
Do you think Obama should come clean about his connection with Iraqi Billionaires?

by Guest63969  |  earlier

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why is it so difficult to get info out of the Obama team?

read the article.

yes at first I was all excited about Obama and I thought he was gonna be the hope we needed...but man good thing I got by brain cells in order, cause we are about to be punked big time.




  1. These are some of the billionaires along with Syria, Lebanon,Jordan,

    Saudi Arabia and others that will help him organize the Arab Zone in his New World Order!  He will even have Israel in the group because most of Israel will be deceived into thinking it is a peace venture!

  2. i think palin should come clean about her connection w her daughter's child...

    oh...and her brother-in-law's position.

  3. He hasn't about Rezko, Ayers or Dohrn so I am not holding my breath.^

  4. This sound crazy....... If u trying to b the president don't u think they have to go through intensive background checks and something would have came up.... sometimes i wonder about these question

  5. I think some GOP folks ought to come clean that they LIED to the American public about the reasons for the Iraq war in the first place....get my point?

  6. Even if he has contact with billionaires, what does it matter if they are Iraqi or not??

    All governments and important politicians must have connections with big businessmen - Otherwise how would business be fair and sustainable??

    Should the republican party come clean about how they let business write their economic policies? Which take money away from the poor, take away medical health by sneaky insurance companies (and not only medical  insurance, all other types of privatised insurance?)

    Should republicans talk about how people aren't able to get a $1000 life changing operation, but the company bosses get billion dollar BONUSES???

    DOES THIS MAKE SENSE? - I'm sorry, but republicans have squeezed America dry!  

  7. So Obama bought a house with the help of an associate who turned out to be a crook, who incidentally had business dealings with another Iraqi billionaire crook....

    Is that all you have? Having known someone who turned out to be a crook is not a crime.

    McCain did more than just shake hands with crooks...he was one...just because they didn't concrete evidence on him doesn't make him clean...

    read and weep

  8. Just as soon as Bush comes clean about his relationship to the Bin Laden family.

  9. Actually when Obama was in Iraq,he was contacted by the Rich Iraqi''s with an offer to get Obama eight houses like McCain can't remember he has ..Obama told them he has One ,,one million dollar house,,and he was trying to move into the white the President..They said they knew the Bush team,,and McCain who is part of it..Obama told them McCain was his opponent.. They said be very careful.. The Bush team of which McCain is part of are all liars who TALK one way,,and DO  another,,watch your back!! The only ones who have been "PUNKED"   is     the American People ,,and the working class who are suffering from all their lies and greed !! BUT,,the word is out,,and AMERICANS HAVE HAD ENOUGH !! And NOW, they KNOW who  is the cause of America's Problems!! November will make that crystal clear.. We just have to wait to see !!     L   H

  10. stop believing everything you read

  11. Yes but he won't and and will try to quash any info with a lawsuit.

    And I see more ignorant Obamabots pushing the but, but her  Downs Syndrome baby was actually her 16 year old daughter's.  Get a clue: Down's Syndrome affects the children of women who have a child in their forties.  The Medical community is laughing at the gross ignorance and stupidy of the Obama campaign where this rumor originated.

    And sorry to break it to you guys The Wall Street JOuranal IS a  credible source unlike the or

  12. Read something actually credible.

  13. This article is lame...  If you are worried about ties to Iraq... go look at all the corruption the current administration is doing with the "rebuilding" of Iraq.  

    Having dinner with someone and toasting them doesn't make you a criminal.

  14. WOw what a connection you have established between Obama and Iraqi billioniares. According to this article this Audhi guy loaned Rezko a few million dollars. Then Rezko bought an adjacent lot next to the house Obama wanted to purchase because Obama wasn't rich enough to pay the full price for the lot and the house. Then Obama had the nerve to be unpatriotic enough to make a toast to an Iraqi during a time of war. Wow. Obama is really finished now. You just totally derailed his campaign

  15. I agree.  The guy's a fake and Americans need to wake up to reality.

  16. Yes. Obama lied about attending his Iraqi friend's party.

    "Levine says [Obama] attended bash for Iraqi crook "

    "Obama's name in Rezko trial "

    "Stuart Levine testified under cross-examination that Obama and his wife, Michelle, attended the April 3, 2004, reception for Nadhmi Auchi." ... "Auchi -- who lives in London -- had been convicted of fraud in France in 2003. After visiting Chicago and Detroit in 2004, he wasn't allowed back into this country in 2005, according to a prosecution filing in the Rezko case"... "The April 3, 2004, gathering for Auchi took place at Rezko's mansion in Wilmette, with about 100 people attending, Levine testified."

    Why Is Obama Chummy With Iraqi and PLO Criminals?

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