
Do you think Obama should have picked Hilary? ?

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Why and why not?




  1. If he was smart he would have.

  2. The smartest thing he could have done for the campaign and the Democrat Party would have been to step aside and let her be the nominee in exchange for himself as VP.  

    As it is, he has a serious fight on his hands, and there's nothing he can do to counteract his being perceived as a total novice.  Biden can't fix that. Hillary wouldn't be able to fix that.  Nothing will fix that. He might win anyway, but it'll be tough.  

    As far as him picking Hillary, she's too smart to have accepted it. She doesn't want to be on a losing ticket, and his victory in November is far from certain enough to make the gamble.  

    Obama had to pick someone willing to be his second banana, and that is a very short list indeed.  

  3. No, she is running for President in four years. Only with McCain as the President can she do so.

  4. No. That would have entirely undermined his entire message. And you think that there is conflict now? What the republican party could have pulled out of their bag of tricks would have been astonishing.  

  5. That's a tough call.  I can see where she may have hurt him but since he picked Biden anyway he may just as well have picked Hillary and drawn in more of her supporters..

  6. No. He made an excellent choice with Biden who has the most experience of anyone in the Senate.

  7. Yea i think he should have

    Answer my question please  

  8. Only if he wanted an actual chance to win the election. Instead, he just threw it away.

  9. Nope. Because shes evil, selfish and shallow.  Just like Bill.

  10. Absolutely not.

    People look for reasons not to vote for people and teams,

    Him... Young, Black, Inexperienced,

    Her... Female, White, Arrogant, comes across as phony.

    None of these attributes have to be true but It gives lots of people a justification to vote elsewhere,(they can latch onto just one reason)

    So the Duo would lose for sure.

  11. YES!  She has proven experience and knowledge of how state and federal govt. works.  She has a good head on her shoulders.  She would be able to make up for his lack of experience.

    But honestly, I'd rather see her as the Pres. candidate rather than VP.

  12. No.  The Republicans would tear them up.

  13. no, she's too b.tchy, Joe's the man  

  14. i almost wish he had. it would avoid all this infighting business.

  15. No. Too much baggage.

  16. Yes...

    but he didn't and i'm over it now.

    BESIDES... Biden was next on my list of who i was hoping for... followed by General Wes Clark

  17. Absolutely not.  We do not need two presidents, which is exactly what would happen.  Hilary is too strong a personality to be second to anyone.  Can you imagine the infighting?  We don't need that.

  18. No. Hillary lost the nomination on her own. Then there is Bill to consider. No he made a good choice.

  19. Obama need not select Hilary.There cannot be two top people for the same job.She can be safely utilised by obama for other activities

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