
Do you think Obama should just step down and allow President John Mccain to heal our economy and healthcare?

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Im also a hardcore Democrat but come on Obama. Whats your plan?

First it was change ( and I loved that ) ...

now you pick Biden as VP? a washington man inside and out.

Im voting for Mccain because even though he is not as popularized, I like the fact that you talks about his plans. I like his plans and they dont seem bush like.

But come on Obama. You really had me . Why did you mess it up?

I cant stand his arrogance and without a teleprompter he sounds no different than Bush on a stump speach.

Im disappointment. I should just stay home and not vote




  1. yes

  2. McCain has no interest or ability to accomplish either.

  3. Neocon, McCain can only be a nut house not a White House president.

  4. McCain doesn't have the medicine or training to heal our economy or health care

  5. You can't heal an economy by starting more wars and increasing our debt while borrowing hundreds of billions from communist countries.

  6. Don't stay home -join the rest of us with common sense and vote McCain!  

  7. it would be the best thing to happen if mcCain would win.

  8. Hee, hee, hee. You had me going for a minute.

  9. Eh, a monkey could do better job for both sides.

  10. "Hardcore democrats" that vote for McCain aren't democrats.  Sorry.  They're not.  

    A guy who wants to continue the garbage that we've dealt with for that past 8 years aren't democrats.  

    John McCain's "solution" to health care is to leave it the way it is.  His "solution" to the economy is to give tax breaks to people who don't need them.  

    Obama talks about his plans.  McCain talks about Paris Hilton and the 8 houses that he owns.  Obama built himself up from nothing.  McCain cheated on his wife and married a 100 million dollar beer heiress.  

    Do whatever you want.  But don't call yourself a democrat.  Because you're not.

  11. I don't want Obama to step down. I want him to loose bad. Some day it will have to dawn on the democrats to stop running marxists for president. They need to cut the extreme left loose and allow them to join with the communist party.

  12. Quote:

    "Im disappointment. I should just stay home and not vote"

    Or take remedial English lessons....

    If you seriously think that McCain has a plan that differs from Bush you haven't been paying attention.

    Stay home by all means, but don't start b!tching when the economy tanks and the draft is introduced.

  13. You are obviously one of the low educated voters that the talking heads keep referring to.  People who vote strictly on how they 'feel' and not on any real issues or policies.

  14. No, I think elections are important to maintain the illusion of Democracy and prevent riots and civil unrest.  If you are that upset, skipping the election sounds like a good idea for you.

  15. You need to vote it is your right, and you should . Vote for who you think is right . Nice way of coming around. That re-establishes hope that there are patriotic people in the Democratic party .  

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