
Do you think Obama will say, Palin should cling to her guns and religion?

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Do you think Obama will say, Palin should cling to her guns and religion?




  1. That would certainly help McCain's campaign.

  2. No he was walking on egg shells yesterday. I think he is going to try to ignore her .

  3. No, Obama is probably laughing his bum off at Mccain's stupidity.  

  4. I don't know what Obama will say.  But I will say to Palin: "Don't let McCain use you as an object to attract women voters, have more respect for yourself".  I hate the way McCain is using women to get elected!! He doesn't even know her, they've met before only once!!!  For God sake, what is that?

  5. No. He will tell her to respect her elders as a YES woman to John McCain sweetie.

  6. I  think Barry is a little worried right now.  It isn't the hardcore Hillarycrats that McCain just won over.  It's the huge social conservative base that is now solidly in McCain's corner.  

  7. you bet ye, maybe she is the hired gun for mc cain.

  8. Shagnast you should check your comment about having a balanced budget.  Perhaps if you folks did your homework you would make better choices.   I mean you guys chose Bush.

  9. He doesn't have to tell her because she is doing it. Alaska is one of the few places in America where having a gun makes sense. They have more wildlife up there on the other side of Canada than they do people.

  10. Yes, Obama should say it again. It will make even more voters mad with his elitist attitude.

  11. No he has to dumb it down a-little so conservative understand. One of the cores of conservatism is to stand by the father figure that thinks he knows best in times of fear. Obama was just referring to a book called "What is the matter with Kansas"

  12. Why?  She is big on her guns and religion like all of us good red-blooded American Elite Rednecks.

    Any woman who does not vote for McCain/Palin is a traitor to her gender.

    Any Black who does not vote for Obama is a traitor to his race

    Any White who does not vote for Obama is prejudiced

    Democrats offer welfare

    Republicans offer warfare

    Democrats offer higher taxes

    Republicans offer deficit spending

    Libertarians offer none of the above

  13. And to skinning moose for dinner yes.

    Just watch that she won't want to skin you if you cross her.

  14. She should definitely do that.

  15. You can only hope.

  16. Oh that's a good one!  Irony has lost all meaning once again...   If she was any more conservative she'd be on some compound in Texas.

  17. Obama and other Democrats are just very angry that the 'wedge' issues (God, guns, and g**s) have dominated recent elections.  Personally, I have no real problem with g*y-friendly atheists who don't like guns.  But you really shouldn't insult a huge number of Americans and expect to get away with it.  

    Many people just simply believe that this country has gone to h**l in a handbasket during their lifetimes.  This is not the America they knew as children.  So, it drives them toward political conservatism.

    For those of us who are moderate and hold beliefs on both sides of the aisle -- and I think it's MOST of us -- it's best not to be so divisive.  That goes for conservatives and liberals.  No more divisiveness.  

    Let's find some common ground ... because our country needs serious help!

  18. That would be above his pay grade.

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