
Do you think Obama will s***w over the U.S. Military the same way the Clinton's did?

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If he's elected?




  1. isnt that what democrats do?

  2. Since Obama didn't serve in the Military, he's automatically disqualified to be president, IMHO.

  3. thanks for your question.

    first of all the war in Iraq already cost 4000 americans benefit who?

    to benefit big oil companys(Exxon mobile etc) so that they can get contacts in Iraq.

    And also all those big weapons companys sure they eared billions of dollars.

    And also all those private contractors some of which had connection with people like d**k cheny.

    so profit seems to be the main reason for this Iraq war that costs 4000 U.S. citizens life.more than 11th Septembers death numbers.  

    that's makes me wonder who is s******g U.S. military right now and for last 5 years.Bush and cheny gangs.

    thanks again for your wise  question P


    Well if you are so much interested to save people from torture ,dictators, and want to help build democracy and hospital,roads blah blah then you should go to some places like countries of Africa or someplace else where is no oil fields to take control.then i may believe you.

    guess what that doesn't sound that much worthy to die for right?

  4. He has already promised to do exactly that.

  5. You can count on it.

  6. of course he will, many democrat politicians don't even like the military, he's a looney liberal and voted against giving our troops the supplies they needed, voted against the surge (which is WORKING wonderfully) i mean theirs a freakin KFC in Fallujah now! didn't visit the troops in years until recently but already "had it all figured out" what he was going to do over their, while McCain has Visited the troops 9 times, and told Obama to go over their and see for himself, when it comes down to it i'm going to trust McCain with my husbands well being then Obama any day  

  7. Yes he will. He has all ready been doing it, by voting for them to be forced out of Iraq and surrender.

  8. He will cut military funding.  He will prolly bring the VA hospitals to c**p like the clintons did.

  9. If he's elected; you bet your sweet bippy he will and not even think twice about it!

  10. Probably, lets all pray that McCain gets in. I trust him alot more.

  11. You can bet your bottom dollar on that. I was in a state of panic even thinking about the possibility of Hillary being the CIC and what would happen to our armed forces. Bill showed up to 1 USMC Base during his 8 years in office. Hillary threw a cup of water on a MSG because he told her his job was not to be a waiter for her. Bill was "booed" as he deserved when he showed up at Norfolk Naval base and 3 sections did an about face when he stood to take the podium. The democrats can talk all they want about the military deserving the same kind of pay as our civilian counterparts but there history has shown they do the opposite. The Clinton's are regarded as the worst ever in presidential history toward our military and speaking from experience it was the worst time in my life knowing I had to take orders from a socialist.

    Ah yes, Antimatt, another one of the "oil for blood" left wingers who's only education was from CNN or Bill Mahr.

    Get a clue Matt, this war had nothing to do with oil. I fought there 2 times and I will put my experiance against any news reporter, liberal idiot anytime. Why cant the left develope anything better that the whole Bush/oil thing? Get off Kieth Olbermanns ***** for the love of pete. Tell me Matt, how much oil do we get from the ME? Oh, yeah, 6%, how much do we get from Central America? Ah, thats right, 12% yet we have more problems with Hugo that the ME and I dont see the US "killing for oil" down there. Liberals seem to forget this war with Iraq was due to not adhearing to UN orders that were agreed on. Matt, if I showed you 1 picture of what a 5 year old little girl who has been hit with mustard gas looks like you would recant your propoganda liberal agenda.

    No WMD's? Guess the transportation in CTFM trucks means they were full of milk 1 week before we invaded thanks to the UN and democrats forcing the president to wait it out right? I mean do you have any clue what a CTFM truck is? It's a chemical/ biological trasportation trailor used only for biological weapons trasport and guess where they were headed? Syria maybe? Dont know, cause only CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS,Fox news happened to play the video footage of the transportation when it was happening. What about the troops who's decon kits tested posative for war gas? Guss they were using "fixed" kits tampered with by the Bush admin to justify there cause right? Suddenly when we removed Saddam the people of Iraq were thankfull and wanted Democracy. Sure Bush messed up trying to allow the left to bring there unmorality to the middle east but once we figured that out and allowed the people of Iraq to understand how to run a democracy under there own morals, now things are going the way they should have before Nancy Pelosi though it would be a good idea to educate a nation who considers homosexuality a means of death as it violates ther moral system. Guess what? Not everyone in the word thinks the US has the perfect system and what you may think others need to be more "accepable" with doesnt always mean they will. People can vote, wemon can go to school and work, children can now focus and dream to become something. But again, this is about oil and big corporation. Nevermind helping Iraq to become a nation to prosper on the world market and remove the wide spread poverty, afterall it's all about oil. Nevermind the tears of joy the people of Iraq had streaming down there faces knowing there families dont have to worry about Saddams sons rapeing there mothers, sister, daughters, they dont worry that there husbands and sons will be boiled in acid because Saddams sons cannot terrorize them any longer, but again, it's all about the oil. Forget the hospitals, schools, fire departments, new buisnesses going up every day to give a human being some self worth, but again, it's all about the oil. I could fill 100 pages of facts the left knows nothing about because they cannot and are taught NOT to think for themselves. The lefts iconic hero's who are cowards in the same league as the terrorists talk and write about things they know nothing about. When did Wolf Blitzer serve? How bout Olbermann  ? Mahr, Matthews ? yet you follow each and every word as if it was fact. The soldiers show you physical proof the sky is blue in Iraq but Kieth Olbermann heard it was green so now it's fact, the sky is green. I only hope that America will help the left understand there is help for them out there. Maybe PTSD isn't our greatest threat facing America during this war, maybe it's a sickness called liberalism that is sweeping our youth by the hundreds everyday. You are told to think for yourself and gather facts yet you follow the first lies you hear as long as it "feels" good, A thing called creative thinking has taken on a new defanition and has developed our society into mindless fools who base lifes decisions on emotion rather than facts and long term effect. Hope this provieds some insightfull thought, I know it's a bit long but left wing "oil for blood" fools get under my skin knowing I actually was willing to die to preserve there freedom to spew propoganda.

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