
Do you think Obamas energy plan is to harsh on gas guzzlers?

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I think the manufacturers are doing very well on mpg. Isnt he trying to inspire something they are allready planning?




  1. Hummers have self inflating tire systems so they can have their correct tire pressure as soon as they go from off road to the asphalt.

    Otherwise the real answer to your question is:  Obama does not have a realistic energy plan.

  2. What aspect of his energy plan do you propose is 'harsh on gas guzzlers'?  I haven't seen anything in his plan that penalizes inefficient cars.

    If it was up to me, we'd be much harsher to gas guzzlers.

  3. There don't have to be any gas guzzlers. My 2 cars do not use one drop of gasoline and they get around fine. They run on natural gas (methane). It's cheap, clean, and available in the USA, so the money stays in our own economy. The carmakers know how to make these cars and have for years! My Crown Vic was made in 1999 and my F-150 pickup truck was made in 2000. Not new technology here. The problem is that not every state has a place to fill them up yet. That's not a difficult problem to take care of - it's just a matter of doing it. We went to the moon in the late 1960's, for Pete's sake. It isn't rocket science! It CAN be done. I'm doing it now - haven't bought gasoline in months...wish everyone had one of these cars.

  4. How about this novel idea - it's your money, you buy whatever car you want.

  5. Obama is feeding the fire that everyone wants subconsciously.  Gas guzzlers shouldn't even exist, yes motor companies have been improving mpg which is great.  Anything else done through legislation only helps the worlds situation.  If this simply means buying a better car, then I'm in.

  6. What Plan? Hope, Faith, and Change?  

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