
Do you think PE teachers favor jocks and ignore everyone else?

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That was my experience in junior high, high school and college (even though the AD in college eventually became a good friend after I graduated). Aren't they supposed to be working with everyone and not just the school's varsity players?




  1. oh ya, for sure! the jocks are favoured and treated differently; and the non athletic people are just sort of over-looked (i guess that's the best way i can explain it)...especially people like me who have absolutely no skill and just "get in the way"

  2. As a PE coach myself, I will say that I tend to favor the "jocks" more. Mainly because they are the students who actually have a reason to be in gym (sports) and they never complain about having to run a mile or two each day.

    I also teach Chemistry and Physics.

  3. I really don't think all teachers are the same. Some teacher you will meet will "favor" kids over some of the others as you say. Not all of them do this though. It depends on if you actually had a good teacher or not.

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