
Do you think PETA gives vegetarians a bad rep?

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I've been a vegetarian (sometimes vegan) for over seven years now. While I support the message behind PETA, I can't help but feel like they're giving vegetarians/vegans a bad reputation.

They openly support terrorist groups like the ALF, they're against seeing eye dogs, they euthanize dogs and cats rather than adopting them out, and they spend more money annually on advertising and legal defense than on actually helping animals.

I just want to hear what you all think of PETA... Do you support it or do you think they give vegetarians a bad reputation?




  1. Yes I do.

  2. I think PETA is a bit too extreme sometimes. When I see people handing out fliers that show pictures of animals being slaughtered, I think it is nearly identical to the Planned Parenthood protesters that hold up photos of aborted babies. It's fine to have an opinion, but when you get too far to the right or the left people will stop taking the message seriously. I'm a vegan who believes in free choice. If people want to eat meat, that's their business.

  3. i agree with another poster in that i have a love-hate relationship with PETA.  i don't agree with many of their stances (for example, not using guide dogs for the blind), because i don't believe in animal liberation.  i believe in animal welfare, which is more conservative i i support the ASPCA (the american society for the prevention of cruelty to animals) instead because they are more in line with my ideals.

    i do get a bit annoyed that i'm constantly associated with PETA because most people who don't know much about the organization (and some who do) have a negative view of them.  i don't like it when people assume that i'm someone i'm not based on stereotypical associations.  PETA literally had nothing to do with my choice to go veg, and they have had little influence on my stance since that point.

    that said......

    i can't hate PETA either.  they are the driving force behind many vegetarians and vegans and they do draw awareness to animal cruelty issues.  unfortunately they are the "extreme" anti-cruelty organization (compared to others such as the ASPCA)  and that doesn't always translate well into mainstream society.

    i have no problem with PETA most of the time....i do get upset with them though when they show little respect for PEOPLE.  if you're going to talk about respect for animals you should show respect for people, too.  the most disappointing move i've seen by PETA is handing out fliers to children after school that say "your mommy is a murderer."  sorry, but that crosses the line and then some.  if PETA members want to stand in front of KFC wearing a chicken costume and holding a sign, well...that's their right and i support that.  when they damage property and such....then it's just obnoxious.

  4. I have been a vegan for 3 years and I think that they do as well.

    I think that they spend too much time worrying about the ads and not helping the animals.

  5. No, not all vegetarians and vegans. To immediately associate vegetarians and vegans with PETA is unfair to those who do not share PETA's antics. Unfortunately, it is sometimes difficult to tell the difference since many in this forum either defend/support PETA or express opinions that mimic or parrot PETA 's standard rhetoric.

    PETA, in my opinion, does not demean vegetarians and vegans.They instead harm the very animal rights issues they are supposedly protecting. Their recent pronouncements and press releases have relegated it in many peoples minds as an "extremist fringe group of wackos, nut jobs and hippies culture" best ignored rather than a legitimate subject and issue of concern to be discussed and addressed.

  6. Well I'd have to say yes they do give us a bad rep. I live in Norfolk...2 mins from peta headquarters. I can't tell you how many anti-peta bumper stickers on pick-up trucks I see, or any type of car for that matter. And I basically have to hide being veg so I won't hear "Oh you're one of those peta freaks" too. I used to actually be a paying member of peta but they nitpick and waste their money like you said.

  7. i think so, people all ask me if im a crazy peta supporter just because im vegan they think im crazy

  8. Vegetarian means not using animal for food. using them for clothes sport and for sugar refining etc. is allowed. the bible said god made animals for us to eat. not for SPORT( like bull fighting), CLOTHES AND FASHION(leather,silk etc.).

    In France, these is the reason why a lot of vegetarian chef are rejected by vegan restaurants.

    other thing is controversies in lacto and ovo vegetarians.

    lacto vegetarian- milk consumer vegetarian.

    ovo vegetarian - egg consumer vegetarians.

    in consuming egg, it is like abortion. you didn't give the egg a chance to be a chicken. It mean, ovo vegetarians are more sinful than an ordinary person because they eat a lot of egg in their diet for savory taste

    it is hard for an ordinary person to be a vegetarian

    it is hard for an ordinary person to be a vegan

    but it is easy for a vegetarian to be a vegan

  9. PETA is far from perfect and there are a lot of holes in what they preach to people and how they behave behind closed doors; however, PETA is doing more and has done more for animals than any other organization that I can think of. it's a catch-22, i guess.

  10. PETA seems to be figuring out that violence isn't a solution to violence. This is good, like all people, they evolve if they want to.  

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