
Do you think Palin being from Alaska makes her out of touch to the US?

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I mean Alaska is kind of off to itself. Do you think she is in touch with all that goes on in the lower 48? I think she is a great choice, and will vote for her as VP, but what do you think?




  1. I've been to Alaska, and most people in Anchorage know more about the heart of the U.S. than the people in New York or Chicago do.  Her state of origin in no way makes her out of touch.

  2. Alaska is a civilized country.  I bet those people are as much "in the know" as any other citizen of the lower U.S.  They get the same tv stations and news as we do.  They have the same government as we do and the same corruption is theirs also.

  3. I think she will do a fine job.  Alaska isn't that far removed.  And they do get cnn, msnbc and fox news up there.  After all it is part of the US.  She has attended meetings with governors from other states and I am sure they discuss problems situations etc during the meetings.  

  4. The last time I checked Alaska was a State in the Union. I hear they have telephones, internet, cable TV and even indoor plumbing.

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