
Do you think Palin has ever read a book on international policy, the middle east, or economic issues?

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Grant you, I like her, but, do we really need another chief executive, (should tragically McCain pass, if, in office), who has utterly no interest in the greater world we live in?




  1. don't know what a book would do.but what extensive experience does obama have there.2 weeks in europe ,1 day in iraq.4 years in indonisia in a muslim you libs kill me!

  2. I can't be sure if she has or has not. And Obama's involvement in foreign policy is....a trip to Germany.  

  3. If your state was 3 miles form Soviet Union, do you seriously think she's dumb about the international platforms confronting us?

    She's worked her way up--from investigative reporter-to mayor-to governor. Can you say the same about the Dems candidate?

    How has BO worked his way up to a shot at the highest office--by being a teacher ina protected liberal college environment? I doubt it.

    If BO wasn't the first black man to WANT to run for president it wouldn't even be news worthy.

    Let me ask you:

    Why do so few black people run for president? No one is keeping them from serving at all govt levels?

    Why is it people think BO is so great? What has he done for America before? At least Palin has a long, excellent career in public office.

    BO has not even been representing Illinois as a senator because he's too busy running for president.

    If he cannot even successfully juggle those two, how in the heck is he going to multi-task the zillion functions and attention required by the office for president?

    What is this word: creationism?

    The old debate of nature vs God? There are many millions of Americans who believe God created the world...not just Palin.

    Maybe Democrats don't believe in God, is that it?

  4. I don't know but I know Obama hasn't he seems to be a black version of a Jimmy Carter, his statement on Russia invasion of Georgia was that both sides need to practice restraint..that's like saying the rapist and his victim need to practice restraint ...classically Cateresque

  5. Yes, creationism...taught ALONGSIDE evolution THEORY. Not instead of.

    As AK gov she had a lot of dealings with the Ruskies & the Canuks. And dealing with Big Oil should count, too. The size of those guys.

    Anyway, I always thought we should get back to "no foreign entanglements" ala George Washington. I realize its a small world, but there's still too many dictators, small fish wanting to be sharks & just generally greedy people to stay as open to globalization as we have.

  6. No, she hasn't. she's using Cliff Notes for the VP daily duties

  7. do they sell books like that?have u ever read a book on international policy, the middle east, or economic issues?  

  8. the only foreign policy experience she has is eating crab that accidentally crossed into Russian waters and crawled back again...but find me a picture of her fishing crab on "World's most dangerous jobs" and I'll vote for McCain

  9. You have absolutely no reason to think she has no interest in the "greater world we live in".  Why the negative attitude about someone who has obviously done very well in government office so far? Chances are she's just a whole lot smarter than any of us venting on Y!A.

  10. I wouldn't vote for a mayor from small town alaska .

    There are many question that need to be answer about the Mayor from Alaska Palin .We know Gov. Sarah Palin has some baggage that makes her a pretty risky choice for McCain: she's embroiled in an abuse of power investigation, was for the infamous "bridge to nowhere" before she lied about being against it, is pretty cozy with corrupt Alaskan Senator Ted Stevens, doesn't exactly know what the vice president's job actually is, etc., etc.Palin is not ready to be president .

    OBAMA BIDEN 2008

  11. Actually, I suspect we're going to find that she does have some relevant International experience. She's governor of the only state that borders TWO foreign countries, and I doubt very much that the INS takes much interest in one of them, leaving it in her lap.  

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