
Do you think Palin has family values?

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For quite some time, the republican party has been promoting "family values." Do you think Palin possesses them? Since yesterday, I've heard, "She's raised 5 kids" - but truly she's only raised ONE kid. The rest are still young. The youngest is a special needs infant. How in the world will she be able to be VP and her husband be an oil exec AND keep their family values intact? Is having a nanny raising your kids considered good family values?




  1. I don't... Look at what she named her kids, shes obviously trying to get them beat up...





    and Trig

    Are those even real names???

    Plus she was never around the house. And unlike Obama i haven't seen her bring her kids anywhere

  2. So we're going to diss a working mom?  Any working mom with 5 kids would need help of some kind.  Especially with a special needs child.  Of course she has family values, they are a big loving rural family.  I'm sure it was a hard choice to make for her, as it is for many career women.  Making history is a nice example to set for her girls, and all of ours.

  3. "Family Values" is a republican code word for anti-abortion and anti-g*y marriage.

  4. Huh. So liberal women can be mothers and lead, but conservative women can't? Your sexism and hypocrisy is showing....

  5. I guess as long as the Democratic party thinks women aren't really up to the challenge of being a parent and a politician we will continue to see them select out of touch Washington insiders for VP slots instead of any of the women in their party.  They have proven governors like Kathleen Sebelius and Janet Napolitano.  Then there is that woman who garnered 18 million votes, quite a number of which are not far left liberals.

  6. Women have always been able to function with a full plate.  What is surprising to me, is women are the most critical of other women.  Noone questions if the men have family values--they also have children.  Her husband is not an oil exec.  By the way, her children were with her yesterday.   ***

  7. Hmmm...this is about the 20th. time since yesterday that I've heard a liberal argue that a woman with children can't have a career. Is this an argument that you really want to make? Doesn't Obama have children? Don't most people have children? If a man can run for public office without neglecting his children then why do liberals believe that a woman cannot do the same? You Liberals aren't thinking straight right now or else you wouldn't make this arument.

  8. What kind of mother would move her you children from beautiful Alaska to crime ridden Washington DC?

    How will she have time for her children?

    I question what kind of mother would do that, and what kind of party would take a mother away from her young children (and a state) that needs her.

  9. OMG where have you been?  There are many successful women throughout the world who have nannys. It was apparent from her bio that she and her husband always put family first.   She sure can have it all and more power to her!

  10. Her husband is not an oil exec he's an operator at a plant....he belongs to the steel workers union.

    To answer your question she has more family values than any democrat I've ever known.

  11. She has 5 kids and seems to be a real Mom.  She also seems to be a good person.  Being used by McCain isn't a nice thing to do.  She knows it, but hey, she should and did go for it.

    Most Mothers today are working Moms.

    Biden goes home everyday from work.  Did they question his family values because he is a man.

    Its takes 2 parents, not just a Mom.

  12. Yes, of course she does.  And I don't question a woman's ability to perform a job while raising a family.  In fact, that is what the feminists have screamed about for years, why is it coming into question now?  Were they wrong all along?  

  13. First off, show me the link that says her husband is a Oil Exec?  I bet you can't find one since he isn't. And Yes, he does have Family Values which this country needs!  for someone to ask this stupid question you might want to take a look at YOUR FAMILY VALUES!

  14. Of course she does. Even though I won't vote for McCain/Palin - I won't slam character like the Republicans do.

    The problem is that McCain did this purely for political reasons, instead of choosing the most qualified running mate. There are plenty more qualified women than Palin!

    Why does it matter - because of his age! It's a real possibility that she might need to take over! Scary!

    Her entire political career consists of running of a town of less than 10,000 and then less than 2 years running a whole state ot 700,000. That's less than half the size of a major city!

    Really, how hard could possibly have been to balance the budget and reform Alaska?

    It's insulting really. She is no Hillary Clinton! She wants to make abortion illegal. She believes in the "market will fix itself" Republican philosophy.

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