
Do you think Palin revealing her daughter's pregnancy will hurt or help the Republican ticket?

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Do you think Palin revealing her daughter's pregnancy will hurt or help the Republican ticket?




  1. I doubt it. Hypocrisy is nothing new to the Republicans.

  2. Maybe. Would d**k Cheney have picked her? She is no d**k Cheney and is a screamer.EEeeeeeeeeeeeecccccccckkkkkkkkk...

  3. I think it is hurting democrats because people are sick of cheap shots against families. Every other question on here is about her daughter.

  4. Wont matter either way, The Dems doomed themselves when they put BaRack on their ticket.

  5. It will not help nor hurt the ticket.  For those who say it will hurt, you are wrong. Remember Obama's mother was pregnant at 17 also, so really nothing for him to talk about.  Also if Obama starts criticizing her, he will lose votes from his people. Since young birth rate among blacks is high.  If he attacks Biden on this issuse, he will lose face.  

  6. If it was McCain with the pregnant teenage daughter, would that help or hurt the Republican ticket?  I think it would definitely hurt. It shows the lack of control or involvement going on in that household to allow such an incident to have taken place. It also shows a flaw in parenting skills. Sometimes parents can be so caught up in their own day to day lives.....they forget they are parents. It makes me pose the question.....In what other areas of importance is Palin lacking ability?

  7. No, I don't. Actually this is a common problem many parents either faced or will faced. So many can relate to this kind of situation. Plus, she was open and forthcoming about it, and didn't lie or deceive. To me, it's not an ideal situation, obviously..but regardless, you stand by your child and be there for them.

  8. I believe it will hurt the Republican ticket.  Both the Obama family and the Biden family come from blue collar backgrounds who have strong family values and morals.  That is lacking from both the McCain family and Palin family.  John McCain committed adultery.  Sarah Palin failed to institute the values into her daughter for her to avoid getting pregnant at such a young age.  The McCain/Palin ticket does not share the types of values and morals that we Americans hold.

  9. No effect.

    Might be a little media story tossed around for the while, but Palin is far too loved by the Christian right that it will eventually be forgotten.

  10. Won't make any difference.

    Only liberals use guilt by association.

  11. Hurt it. The Republicans claim to be the party with family values. The only candidate with real family values is Barack Obama.

    Obama/Biden '08!

  12. If you want a pregnant teen to be ridculed, step into the national spotlight with an anti-abortion, anti-birth control, pro-abstinence only education stance.. First she put her career over her special needs baby then had this in her pocket too?  Great family values!  It's easy to see who comes first with her.

  13. As long as she didn't get pregnant by my son, I couldn't care less.

  14. Not too good for the "moral" values the republicans think they have a monopoly on is it?

  15. I don't see why it should to either.  It's her TEENAGED DAUGHTER, not Sarah Palin herself.  

  16. I think it helps somewhat - makes her seem more human, more real - these are struggles alot of families have to face - of all four of the major candidates, Sarah Palin seems the most "normal" to me!

  17. They hope it will stop the rumors going around about the newest member of the Palin household. I don't see it as helping or hurting it. But we're sure to have a long, national dialog about teen pregnancies which is a shame because it takes the focus off the real issues about Palin.

    Seriously, McCain knew about the teen been pregnant at the time he talked to her. How could a loving mother put an unwed teen in the national spotlight like this? Unfair!

  18. Sarah Palin obviously has a better idea of what everyday Americans are going through.  I'd rather have her then some politician who has spent their whole life in college and then moving on to public office.  

  19. This must surely be lets see Oh Yeh the Hollywood liberals fault Yeh I like the sound of that.  Thats the way to spin it I dont think it should have anything to do with effective parenting or something as simple as birth control and safe s*x practices. So I am sure the Republicans can simply over look this after all she is one of there own.  They are the moral leaders of our country.

  20. It will appease the militant pro-lifers (no abortion), and southern rednecks (shotgun wedding), Two important voting blocks for Republicans.

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