
Do you think Palin will be able to answer questions about foreign?

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policy as thoughtfully and intelligently as Obama did last night on the Factor?




  1. Of course. I mean, if Obama can do it with hardly any experience in that area, really anyone could.

  2. h**l NO...She's been living in Alaska in a town that doesn't have any cable news networks and she just got her passport last year!!!! She never been out of the country until last year and she's 44 yrs. old!!! Why don't she go to Iraq just like MCWAR pressured Obama to do??

  3. I can't wait for the vice-presidential debate.  Being a pit bull with lipstick won't help her discuss the situation in Georgia or Iraq.

  4. I'll give the guy some credit he did have a decent answer.  I just watched the interview on the internet this morning.  O'reilly is such a tool.  I'd rather see Obama answer real questions from real conservatives.  He seems to have the same opinion as GWB.

  5. Palin is only allowed to give pre written speeches at this point. No interviews so we'll never know.

  6. Yes, because whenever celebrities go on a show like that they are given a list of the possible questions they will be asked ahead of time so their answers can be scripted in advance.  It's all just one big charade.  Take away the teleprompters and the scriptwriters and what you would see is bumbling idiots tripping all over themselves.  The choreography on programs like this is intense and planned in advance.

  7. I do not see why she couldn't answer questions about foreign policy.

    And Obama does not have to debate Palin, he needs to debate John McCain!!

  8. No way. The only thing she could talk about is how the War in Iraq will help bring about the Battle of Armageddon, which she thinks would be great, religious lunatic that she is.

  9. Given Joe Biden's reputation for rambling on and on and on and on, the question should be whether or not she'll get a chance to speak during the VP debate.

  10. I believe they're not letting her do interviews now -- just speeches.  Clearly, then, even the McCain camp knows she won't be able to answer questions.

  11. Sweety, Obama is running against McCain, not Palin!

  12. Yes, because she can speak without going in circles.

  13. No.

    But she is against abortion, so god loves her.

    And McCain loves his country, so never mind his ability to comprehend economics is almost totally absent. Bad economics, poor foreign policy and back alley abortions are what made america great....

  14. What I heard from Obama on North Korea last night sounds exactly like what I've been hearing from Bush so the answer to your question is, I hope not.

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