
Do you think Palin will withdraw her nomination?

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Do you think Palin will withdraw her nomination?




  1. I hope not. I see a woman who is being honest with her choices in life, and doesn't hide her bones in the closet.

    I see her human side, just like the rest of us. She is not making herself above reproach.

    I want someone who will stand up for what s/he believes in. Even if everyone else doesn't agree. Can't please everyone.

  2. No reason to. She's more experienced than McCain and Obama and Biden at governing. Nice try though. You keep hoping and praying she pulls her nomination, lol.

  3. She hasn't been nominated yet.

    But, no.  

  4. The Brits are betting on her not sticking around.

    Says that when McCain picked her that he went down "like a sack of potatoes" on the betting pools.


  5. Did the first mate of the Titantic quit after they hit the iceberg? No. Same goes with Palin, except the iceberg is actually a giant illigitimate baby floating in the north seas and instead of steel, the ship is made out of lies and welded with spin. Otherwise, it's a direct parallel.

  6. The libtards would just love that but it won't happen. She has no reason to.

  7. no, she's awesome and will bring female votes

  8. She should.  Then McCain can pick someone more Screech from Saved By The Bell:

  9. h**l no. And I don't think Bush should be impeached either.

  10. No. Why didn't Obama drop out with all his baggage.  Why,because he's a man. I'm sick of the media.  I'm sick of him.

  11. You wish!

  12. No reason in the world to do so. She's a refreshing part of the campaign.  

  13. NO! she has the liberal in a frantic attack mode because they are so afraid of her and "that's a good thing."

  14. First of all she cant withdraw her own nomination. McCain could withdraw it but I doubt he will. Why would they have any reason to. Palin has an exceptional record ... better than Obamas.

  15. Ohhhh PALIN?  I thought it was PAIN

  16. That is a tough one.

    McCain has to weigh the potential political damage he does to himself from dumping Palin and cutting his loses fast verses keeping her on and possibly slowly bleeding to death.

    I suspect that McCain knows that dumping her now would be political suicide. I don't think he will do that. Nor can he afford to publicly admit that he made an impulsive and unwise choice.

    What I expect McCain will do is very closely monitor the situation and only pull the plug on Palin if it gets really, really bad and he sees his numbers begin to tank. At that point and with the election so near, what has he got to lose?

    Give it another two weeks.

    Edit: personally, I agree with Duchess X.

  17. Absolutely not, nor do I think she should.

    Her nomination sealed the argument about McCain's judgment for me. By staying on the ticket, it is a virtual guarantee that the Dems will win in November. I still cannot figure out what the heck he was thinking when he had such a stellar line-up of other candidates to choose from and chose a backwater no-name to be his running mate. It truly boggles the mind. The Republicans are trying to make lemonade out of lemons right now, as they should, they really don't have another option.

  18. Anything is possible. I hope Palin stays because then many people probably won't be able to vote for McCain/Palin.  

  19. Not a chance

  20. Of course not.  She has the far-left America haters on the run and she'll keep them on the run.  Sara Palin is the Commander in Chief of the Alaska National Guard, she is responsible for a budget, education, the state transportation department, state law enforcement--in other words she has executive experience running a state government with the VETO'S to prove it.  On the other hand, Biden has spent 36 years sucking the teats of his country while accomplishing nothing and our latest Savior, NObama has a TOTAL of about 180 days picking his nose in the Senate where he has introduced no legislation and has missed over 25% of the votes.  NObama and Biden haven't got the executive experience of Palin if you put theirs together.  The only thing they have on her is their ability to whine and spew hate at our country.  

  21. I hope she doesn't. She is a gift for the Dems. Every newspaper across the country is slamming McCain for this one and laughing at his attempts to call her 'experienced'.

    I want her to stay around.

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