
Do you think Palin would be a good president with five kids to take care of?

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Do you really think having a daughter who got pregnant at the age of sixteen is a good role model. People were bad mouthing Bill Clinton as being a bad role model, Palin's daughter is a bad role model and Palin cannot even control her own kid.




  1. Why doesn't anyone ask if Obama can be a good father to his daughters and fulfil the duties of the office of President? Why does this only apply to Sara Palin?

    A wee bit sexist aren't you?

  2. Oh good God! Keep it up, high-and-mighty liberal, and The GOP will be assured victory in November.

  3. Where are you coming from the far right? You're supposed to be liberal enough to allow a woman to HAVE IT ALL.

  4. Are you serious? Get over it. You must live somewhere that people don't make any mistake or have perfect children.  You can tell your child the world but it's up to that individual to live their life.  So don't dare try to blame Sarah Palin for her daughters decision.  Talk about real issues not petty ones.  Lets not forget Obama isn't perfect either, he use to use crack cocaine, attend Rev. Wright church, be associated with Tony Rezko and Bill Ayers, so all I'm saying is get a grip and deal with issues not junk.  

  5. next.

  6. Are you saying that women that have kids are not capable of having a career as well?

  7. Imagine that...and he WAS the president.  

  8. o please she has 4 living with her one is not living with her so she only has to take care of 3 really maybe 3 1/2 (the 1/2 being her 17 year old daughter)  

  9. Obama had a drug habit over the age of 17 did he not?

    Was Obama conceived out of wedlock?

    Didn't Obama go to a radical church for 20 years?

    Is Obama "friends" with Ayers?

    Find it funny pro-choice people are coming down on a child just to get at her mother. Heck you liberal idiots made it possible for teens to go across state lines to get abortions without ANY consent or knowledge of the parent.

  10. Although I am all for women to be independent and self sufficient, I believe Palin would have very limited time to spend in the White House worrying about politics.

    A pregnant 16 year represents the opposite of what Republicans are so proud to preach, ABSTINENCE.

    Controlling a teenager is easier than controlling hundreds of Senators and she couldn't do that. I feel bad for her daughter but Palin should have never accepted this ticket.

  11. Would you even be asking this if she were a male?? NO.  So, get over it.  Many women have children and yet lead productive professional lives.  Pelosi has 5 children.  I'll bet you never asked this question of her.  By the way, parents can't control everything their children do.  You people are pathetic.  Stop reading the Daily Kos.  

  12. What about Biden's son and the trouble he is in??  He is old enough to know better!

  13. Probably a better role model than Roger Clinton.  

  14. Obama used to smoke.  Bush was a cokehead.  McCain cheated on his first wife.  Amazing, these people are all human.

  15. She is a joke.

  16. Palin is the only one running on either side that has actual leadership experience.  The other 3 are Senators.  Senators look at bills the House of Representatives were creative enough to develop and blowhard Senators debate if they agree or not.  Actual Governors govern!  Governors lead and don't just talk.

    I'll happily compare Palin's daughter that made a mistake then stepped up to the plate and doing the right thing over Obama who voted 3 times to allow the legal killing of children already born and living outside of the womb to be killed if the mother's wishes were to abort the child.  The Good vs. Evil facts between the Democrat Death party and Republicans standing up for innocent children is clear.

    PS.  Clinton was being sued in a Sexual Harrassment Law suit and Perjured himself.  Big difference between that and someone that had premarital s*x, got pregnant, is not getting married and taking responsibility for her actions vs. purjuring yourself when you sexually forced yourself on a women.

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