
Do you think Phil Hughes can save the yankees?

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Do you think Phil Hughes can save the yankees?




  1. Don't know about saving but it will be a big help.

  2. I don't think Phil Hughes can do it by himself. the whole team is going to have to try harder, it is almost like they have given up hope of the playoffs.

  3. I have been a Yankee fan for almost all my life...The truth hurst & this is the truth. The Yankees cant win this season. The Rays & Red Sox can loose but it isnt in the Yankees hands right now. It would take a 10 game winning streak & a 3-7 run from both the Red Sox & the Rays at what would happen to be the same time the Yankees are ridding a 10 game win streak. The loss of Crawford & Longoria is going to hurt the Rays bad enough that Boston will probably take the division but i just dont see them falling all the way out. I am hoping i just cant see it. Phil Huges would be an upgrade over Rasner, which would be a plus every 5th day...but you still got Ponson, who is efective but not good! "Effective" means crapy come October. The Yankees have a HUGE whole to climb out of if they are gonna right the ship. All we can do is hope they can do it in time.

  4. I think ur mistaking..The yankees need no saving only to be saved from

    *****YANKEES #1*********

  5. He may help, but the Yankees will need to make a run with what they have. Mussina needs to keep pitching well, and the offense needs to be more consistent. Nady has been a huge pickup for them and has been red hot. From what I hear, Pavano is actually closer to the big leagues then Hughes. It is funny that Pavano might be a savior through his addition to the pitching staff, but it could happen. Also, look for the Rays to struggle down the stretch. Carl Crawford and Evan Longoria are both hurt. That is a huge psychological and actual void to their team. They have already shown signs of struggling on their roadtrip in Oakland. The team the Yankees might end up catching if they get hot could be Tampa and Boston could wind up winning the division with the Yankees as the wild card.

  6. As a fan of the Yankees i sure do hope so, but if Hughes comes back and pitch like he did last year in the playoffs then there is no doubt that he can save them. Him and Joba will add some help to the rotation when Joba returns instead of Rasner killing us everytime out.


  8. No..The yanks season may be saved, but not by him. It would be by Joba, Mussina, and Pettite. And Nady on offense.

    The reason why the Yanks had such high hopes for him is because of that no-hitter he got pulled from with an injury last year. IMO, it was jsut one great game. I dont think he will ever be a great pitcher. He may be a decent pictcher one day, but not what people thought he might be.

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