
Do you think President George Bush is a total failure?

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Do you think President George Bush is a total failure?




  1. worse than that.

  2. Complete? No. He has failed in some aspects and been successful in others.

    If you want to talk about total failure, talk Nancy Pelosi. Their first hundred days was a joke, every day since has been even funnier than the last...

  3. The c student has earned an F.

    It'll take generations to rebuild what he's destroyed.

  4. No. but I believe we had far better Presidents as well.

    He should not think about posing for a stamp or dollar bill anytime soon.

  5. Look at what has happened in the last eight years.  Beyond belief.  I give him a -10.

  6. are you going to continue this pointless harangue until he leaves office?

  7. No ; of course not ; but I think those that love the blame game will always look for the nearest scapegoat . Sadly , for some..the nearest to them anymore is the president ..whom ever that may be .

  8. yes i do because he has his head so far up his butt

  9. Well pretty much..

  10. No, not at all. He is a good president in making a good decision to go into Iraq to fight against these radical Islamists. He goes after the bad guys and that's what Clinton should have done. I think he now needs to make a decision to go after Iranian's sanctions before his term is up. Now that should be a big finale.

  11. of course a bunch of dumb liberals who dont know jack sh*t about politics are gonna say some stuff like that. hes not the best president. but he does have balls. a lot more than anyone else who answered this question. read a newspaper and make your own opinion. dont listen to liberal hippie douches

  12. yes, he's responsible for the 9/11 events.

  13. He's a C+ student from Yale who managed to graduate (because of his dad's bribes) that managed to get into office.

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