
Do you think Prince Charles should be King?

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While I believe that Queen Elizabeth still has a long reign ahead of her (longevity runs in her family), there will come a day when she passes and Charles shall have to ascend to the monarchy. Do you think he will be a good king? Would the British monarchy not be better served for Charles to step aside and allow William to take the throne, given his youth and passion?




  1. It actually doesn't matter what I think ~ if he outlives his mother, Charles will have the right to take the throne, unless someone takes it from him by main force.

    As for whether he would be a good king, I'm not sure. He is not as stupid as constantly portrayed in the press. He is acknowledged as an expert in organic gardening and is  a regular commentator about architecture.

    He is also active in running a number of charities which support young people to start their own businesses, to escape poverty and homelessness, and to develop ways of working in the community to support areas and districts which suffer from poverty cycles.

    So he's a thinking guy.

    I doubt that will make him a good kiong, though ~ after all, most of his job would be shaking hands and small talk with masses of gawping strangers, which would probably be fairly irksome.

    Still, for many billions of pounds, I think I could behave for it, and I'd be willing to bet he can, too.

    Cheers ;-)

  2. The Monarchy should be abolished and philip  and the rest should be tried as the main conspirator's in lady Dianas death

  3. Yes why not - it's his turn next.  At this rate Prince Charles will have a relatively short reign being King, given the age he'll be when he finally ascends the throne.  Perhaps William will make an even better King if can assist his father first when Prince Charles is finally King.

  4. It has nothing to do with whether he "should" be king or not.  It's his birthright, I really believe the British think the sky will fall if that happens.  The Order of Succession can only change if someone in it voluntarily drops out and I can't imagine Charles would ever do that.  Camilla demands to be Queen too much for that to happen!!  He also feels so guilty about everything she supposedly has had to go through that he feels it is her right to be Queen when the time comes...

  5. It isn't just the British monarchy. He will be King here in Canada as well.

    He will be King if the Queen passes away. Succession is hereditary. The oldest son becomes King. It is both an obligation and a right, and setting the crown aside for "youth" or "passion" is not even in the vocabulary of a constitutional monarchy, such as ours.

    It is that simple.

  6. No.  I think William should be king.

  7. i think he should be a prince

  8. Prince Charles is truly are the rest. We don't need a Royal Family!

    Vive La France! Send them to the guillotine!

    (can I be sent to the Tower for saying that?)

  9. why do you need royal family .

    what they do ? are they necessery? we are in 21th century this idea belongs to 500 years before.

    all of them are good for nothing people  , people who donet work and consume the bests.

  10. he might be one never knows until he's on the throne

    no Charles has more experience and anyway William might be a hothead

  11. William has the same beauty inside him as his mother.  They both really care about the PEOPLE.  I think this above all qualifies him as a good king.  Charles always struck me as selfish and non caring.

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