
Do you think Prince William is losing his looks?

by Guest61601  |  earlier

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Do you think Prince William is losing his looks?




  1. His hair maybe, but certainly not his looks, as he's still incredibly handsome.

  2. I think he is slightly but mostly hes losing his hair. I wish he dressed more fashionable, when hes dressed casual he looks like someones middle aged Dad and his suits arent particulary nice either.

  3. No way, getting fitter and fitter!

  4. h**l NO!

  5. i agree.....just hair going. he's got a large bald patch

  6. How dare you you diss my grandson, I would bet your no oil painting yourself dear!

  7. Yes, i agree with you. He used to be sooo handsome but not anymore, losing quite a bit of his hair as well. Does not really matter i am sure there are millions of girls who would like to marry him. Not bad looking though:)))

  8. He never had any to start with so he can't lose them. Ugly thick lipped inbred.

  9. Yes

  10. LOL! I agree with the previous post... just his hair!  I think that as he grows older, he looks more the man, and less the image of Di - all her strength, but definitely male.

  11. God you are so right. The poor thing is turning  into his dad

  12. didnt realise he had any in the first place!

  13. Did he ever have them? He looks like a weak-chinned Daddy's boy to me.

  14. not as fast as his mother did !

  15. what looks,he has always resembled a does most of the royals.that's just my opinion.he needs rogaine.

  16. Stupid question and far too many jealous responses...hmmm. Lots of negative, unhappy people out there.

    Oh, and no, I don't think William is losing his looks.

  17. How does one lose ones looks?

    Apart from that, he was never very good looking anyway - his Dads' genes took care of that!

  18. Well he had no looks to start with but i must say he looks at least 50 now.

  19. nah he'll always be my royal hottness....uh i mean

    but yeah he might be going a bit bald..but he is soooooo hott...

  20. No, but certainly his HAIR!

  21. No I don't

  22. Hard for me to judge another man's looks, but I would say Harry is the better looking.  Doesn't resemble his 'father' Chucky lad much, does he?

  23. Wait until he is almost bald like his Uncles, Grandad, Father and Great uncles.

  24. Losing his looks?  Please!  He is gorgeous!

  25. Yes, it was a bad cross from the start. Into the bargain, he is fairly unpleasant and pretty thick. Harry Hewitt would be a better bet as leader of the pack. At least he is amusing.

  26. I might be a straight guy but I never did see anything especially good looking in him. Certainly not ugly, but nothing special.

  27. Yes. His hairline is receding at a great speed also.

  28. dont give a d**n so there

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