
Do you think Prince William should marry Kate Middleton?

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Prince William has an on again, off again, illustrious affair with the Commoner Kate Middleton. My question is simple, should he even consider her as a match? Remember, he is the future "King of England".




  1. If they are happy together, why not?

  2. I think Prince William should decide who he wants to marry and spend the rest of his life with after careful thought as to compatibility, shared values, and many discussions with any future partner about how they each view marriage, rearing children, seeing in-laws, et cetera.

    All marriages should be entered into with open communication and understanding.

    Good luck to him and his future wife and partner, whomever she may be.

  3. I hate when everybody always says that if he doesnt marry Kate Middleton, then he will make the same mistake as his father and cheat on his future wife with her. Why are people so ignorant? A lot of people have more than one serious relationship before meeting the person they want to marry. Kate is his first love and she is a great girl but maybe she just isnt everything he is looking for. And he loves her now, but deep down knows she isnt the one, thats why their relationship is always on agian and off again.

    Different people have different characteristics when it comes to interacting in a relationship. He is not who is father is, and Kate is not Camilla. Just because it seems familiar, doesnt mean if he doesnt marry Kate then he will regret it. He might find someone even better than Kate that the world will love even more. Because honestly, I dont see anything so special in her... she seems sooooo boring and dull and she dresses like a 40 year old woman...anyway those arent valid reasons for Prince William not to marry her, but thats personal opinion... I do not think she compares to Princess Diana and will not be the next Peoples Princess..

    but what i do believe he Prince William plans to marry Kate, he will end up being the next "Diana" figure, and be the "Peoples Prince"

    because he has much more presence than Kate.

  4. I vote yes,even though it's none of my beeswax. Kate

      proved she can keep her mouth shut and not betray

       Prince William's secrets.  I say a girl like that is hard

      to find.

  5. Yes, I do think. Am I qualified to give an opinion on something I know nothing about, then the answer is NO. It is none of my business

  6. Yes I think she is really nice,  they suit each other perfectly.  She reminds me so much of Princess Diana! I only hope that history doesn't repeat itself and she winds up like our princess did!

  7. I think it's their business, and who cares if he's the future King.  Not like there isn't a precedence for a royal marrying a commoner.

  8. I think she's the ideal girl. If he doesn't marry her, he'll marry someone else and then have an affair with Kate till it ruins his marriage, just like his father did with Princess Diana.  I think William better take what he's got, because she's a sweetheart.

  9. Should, I don't know if that is the right word, as we don't know how he feels about her. The world has changed since the Queen married and had children. The people of this country are more likely to accept Kate as his wife, and a future queen even if she is a commoner.

  10. I think he should marry Brittney Spears!!   LOL.

  11. No, he is young and should do more "research" first to multiply later...

  12. Kate is a good match for Prince William. She is well educated, well behaving, loyal to Prince William and beautiful. She is also emotionally strong girl who did not show any anger or hatred after the split on  April 14, 2007.

    She  also did not share their private matters with the public.

    I admire her for her qualities.

    Yes, Prince William should marry Kate Middleton.

  13. I think he should marry whomever he wants!

  14. if prince William find kate as  a big help to rule his kingdom, then why not? besides,if the prince also love her,then it is their final descisions...

  15. no,shes not very loyal to her comments and if he marrys her she will be our queen one day and my not keep her promises to the country

  16. No, I don't think they are meant to be.

  17. yes...but only if he really loves her!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Given the state of the economy, haven't you got more important things to think of? Would you like others to dictate what you can or cannot do. Give it a rest and go get a life of your own

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