
Do you think Quizno's $5 "Go Large" ad is misleading?

by Guest57007  |  earlier

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Turns out that the $5 large sandwich promotion (copycat of Subways) only applies to 4 of the listed sandwiches, not to all of them (just found out during my lunch--the other choices cost $7).

I watched their TV commercial (and now I just checked their online ad). I never had the impression that this is the case.




  1. i agree with you, they are misleading because i saw the ad and actually they copied subways. misleading people is their specialty.

  2. subway for the win! quiznos only came out with that to compete with subway and apparently have to mislead their customers

  3. Yes I do.

  4. Quiznos is copycatting Subway Quiznos just wants to have the same customers as Subway

  5. I found this our yesturday too. What a cheap way to get you in the door.  I wasn't expecting the prime rib samwitches to be the same, but I was hoping their Classic club, or italian would be $5

  6. yeah i got one of their other sandwiches thinking it would be 5 bucks and didnt realize til i got in the car that i paid 7 dollars, i guess im slow lol but still, at least i learned tho, but yes sucks they ripped me off 2 bucks

  7. Misleading people is basically what advertising is all about. It got you into the store, so it worked. Remain vigilant and skeptical at all times.

  8. I don't go to Quizno's, but i could tell they were competing with Subway.........I agree with Mike C.

  9. I know they copied it then they have restrictions

  10. yeah  they are some of the most lamest fast food place ever they suck

                                                     long live subway

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