
Do you think Radio 1 is wrong to change the word ****** in one of the biggest known christmas songs?

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Radio one has censored the word fagott in kirsty mccoll and pgues song 'Fairytale in New York'

THis song is a massive hit, because it is not all lovey dovey and good will to all, its about a couple who cant stand each other, its so funny to sing along with.

Kirsty sings the line, 'you cheap lousy ******' but radio one has bleeped out ******, for fear of people complaining....

How do you feel about this?




  1. They are so very wrong, I heard Elvis costello on the radio the other day with the line from one of his songs "ONE LESS WHITE ****ER" this word used for EITHER whites or blacks is far worse that fa  gott. A little bit of consistancy would be much appreciated

  2. I think it's fair enough as minors listen to the radio too and as well as some finding this word offensive it is very discrminatory towards g*y individuals.

    It is a bit pc gone mad though as if they were going to censor it they should have done it years ago so I do admit the song sounds strange without the line though. Class tune.

  3. I find it offensive whenever I see political correctness, but those  b*st*rds never give a sh*t about offending me.

  4. I think it's lame. If people are going to take offence from a classic christmas song, then they're just stupid.

  5. you ne ed to use spaces to write naughty words,

    i do not listen to radio one

    but no it is just fun changing words of season songs this time a year

    regards x Kitti x

  6. well obviously its an offensive word if its being censored out everywhere, but to be honest, i dont really care all that much.


  7. To be perfectly honest, I'm more offended by what Yapoo is doing to you in the censorship game .... don't they know that a ****** is a bundle of firewood?

  8. i think it's terrible the UK is all wrong it's a ace Christmas song that has been played for years and years no need like some people need to get a life

  9. It's been played with it in for nearly 20 years so it is really pathetic!

  10. If you ask me the worlds gone mad. These days everything has to be accepted but nothing is aloud. We just have to like and lump im afraid. That said i have stopped focusing my energy on things like political correctness gone mad and just try not let the ********* get you down. happy christmas your a** i prey god its our last. it is a sad day for me tho as i hate xmas and those lyrics ( bit of fun as they were once penned) always make me smile. God rest kirsty mccoll, hope shes happy in her chipshop in the sky. happy christmas!

  11. Yes.!!!

  12. It's pathetic. Another example of `political correctness` gone wrong. I happen to like f***ots, especially swimming in gravy and baked beans and chips.

  13. this is my fave xmas song of all time

    dont listen to radio 1 thats the only option

    then again I havnt listened to radio1 for years rock on radio2

  14. I think this ban by BBC1 is utterly rediculous, particularly as it hasn't been banned from BBC2 and also has been played for quite a few years.  Did anyone complain?  If so, why just that one word, there are others in the song of a similar nature?  Maybe, it is a cynical ploy to get the people that don't already have it to buy this song.

  15. I think they go to far.  Everything now has to be politicaly correct and im sick and tired of it.

  16. I guess that word is offencive to a certain group of people. I put it right up there with the "N" word. Maybe it's just me, but I thought it meant a bundle of sticks. Oh, I get it...

  17. It is totally pathetic and unnecessary.  F@ggot is an everyday term in New York conversation and it is not up to our Leftie, prissy, BBC to censor them or us.

    This country's establishment - and the Beeb is part of that - is far too willing to kow tow to imaginary critics and to sacrifice our language and culture on the altar of sociological stupidity.

  18. It's overreacting. My phone doesn't even class f?g as a word on predictive text, tho everyone in England knows it's a cigarette.

    I got more upset by the setting, as one year a friend was dying, and lying in hospital with a drip in his arm...It was up to me to get over it.

  19. Well now the BBC have done a U-turn and uncensored the F word.

    Guess what every teenage boys new favourite word will be at school tomorrow?

    From censorship to promotion with one statement.

    For me this show just how much, our supposed moral guardians are out of touch with the real world.

  20. I stopped listening to radio 1 a few years ago they do not play a fair selection of music they were one of the best and now they are definately the worst ,

    BIASED censorship is just one of their traits just think off all the excellent songs they dont play.

    All my friends boycott radio 1 it has become a waste of taxpayers money

  21. For the attention of the censors F**got is a delicacy in Lancashire UK it is chopped up spiced meat in a wrapping boiled in meaty gravy. and very tasty too.

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