
Do you think Rafael Nadal looks like a Caveman?

by  |  earlier

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I like him because he's entertaining to watch, and has good sportsmanship. But, he does have the sloping forehead, and big muscular physique that make him look like a Neanderthal.




  1. no

  2. rafa doesnt look like a caveman compared to others..have you seen that marcos baghdatis?

  3. I think you look like a caveman.

    haha i read some of your other questions. Boy oh Boy! You sure are obsessed with this ``caveman`` Get a life deary:) Rafael Nadal looks nothing like that picture no resemblence what so ever. He is the hottest guy on tour thats for sure. His body and he has a cute lil spainish face :) !!! mmmmmmm x*x

  4. why do you care? are you planning on going out with him?

    it really doesn'y matter what he looks like, only that he plays good tennis:)

  5. Hmm....well which caveman are you referring to? There's Fred, Geico guy, Flava Flav...

    I knew a couple, and they got different looks. One of them did look like Rafa a bit though, and strangely he was good at ROCK quash.

  6. No, not a caveman.  With his bandana on he looks very "Apache warrior", very Native American.  That Geico caveman actually looks like Kareem Abdul-Jabaar to me.

  7. Are we supposed to take this question seriously? Well,here goes.


    Apache chief Geronimo,yes.

  8. whatever man!

  9. Tennis is so easy even a caveman can do it.

  10. Geico has the best advertisements. I was going for that unshaved caveman look once. Maybe if Nadal had the facial hair, he might be able to pull it off.

    Relax everyone. Cavemen are cool. The question is a complement.

  11. Big Donkey Balls


    Earl Terdstone


    The same person. Cavemen and religion, that's all you ever talk about. Someone needs a life, a boyfriend or a girlfriend which ever you prefer. (i'm going with boyfriend) Stop l*****g Rafa's nuts, everyday it's the same thing with you. How sad.

  12. I personally don't like his appearance. Too big muscles and sweaty thanks..not the kind of "handsomeness" I prefer. However, I think your question is rude. :(

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