
Do you think Ray Vallero has big chance of beating or even knockouting Manny Pacquaio in their soon fight?

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Here's the impressive record of Ray Vallero:

Wins: 24 KO's: 24

1st 18 boxing fights:all by winner via KO in just 1 round. I'm a Filipino citizen and I'm a huge PACMAN fan but I'll never understimate this young man who'll challenge him soon.




  1. I think it is Edwin Valero that you mean the Venezualen who couldnt obtain his license to fight in the US due to a head injury from a motorcycle accident. I would say that Valero hasnt fought against anyone even remotely on the same level as Pacquiao and will more than likely get KO'ed by the pacman, you would have to fear for Valero if this fight gets sanctioned, there has to be someting in the fact that he couldnt get a license because of failing an MRI scan and they are thinking of putting him in with probably the biggest puncher pound for pound in the world today, it sounds dangerous to me.

  2. quality is better than quantity...

    simple as a peanut. WHO DID VALERO BEAT!?

    look at the guys pacquiao faced and compare to valeros opponent.

    valero wont past 9 against pac.

  3. diaz is even better than valero.

    diaz is even faster.

    90% manny will win by ko.

    dont worry.

  4. Frank is right, it is a dangerous fight for Valero, and the odds are against him, but if a guy named Torricampo can KO Manny Pacquaio, then Valero has a punchers chance.  Realistically, Valero will most likely get nailed very early, and lose by KO inside two or three rounds.  The odds of someone out slugging Manny Pacquaio are slim, and that is Valero's only real chance of winning.  It's a 50-50 chance that the fight won't last more than a round, and a good bet for a fist round KO, but it is dangerous for Pacquaio because Valero can punch.

    Manny has got to be a heavy favorite, but Valero is a live underdog.

  5. There is always a hypothetical chance, but not that big.

    Valero is a strong slugger but is not quick. His KOs were earned at a lighter class, where opponents are more fragile. Moving to lightweight will make him slower but not necessarily stronger. He has less experience in longer fights. Valero cannot hurt Pacman if he cannot catch Pacman.

    I recall the great fights of Ali against bigger or stronger heavyweights. He would use his speed, footwork and stamina to tire out his opponents. Then go for the kill in the later rounds. Pacman could take a similar approach.

    If Pacman takes his training lightly, becomes overconfident, or tries to slug it out too early with Valero... then he could go down. He'll be fine if he fights smart. At this point, only Pacman can beat Pacman.

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