
Do you think Renny will walk because of hurricane Gustav?

by  |  earlier

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From Big brother 10




  1. no they wont tell her

  2. I was wondering how this would play out.  I don't think they will tell Renny until afterwards.  Her family would probably want her to stay in the game since she made it this far.  I think after the hurricane hits and they hear from her family they might let her know that they are okay.  

  3. i asked this same thing, i think she has every right to know.  i know i would want to know!

  4. This seems to be a big topic. It was even brought up during an interview with Big Brother 9 alumni, Chelsia. They asked if a natural disaster, such as Gustav, were to hit would they tall Renny. Chelsia said that if her family contacted the producers and WANTED to tell Renny, the producers would indeed tell her. If something happened to one of her family members, they would indeed tell Renny and at that point give her the option to leave. Once in the Jury house Renny may be able to hear about the hurricane, but chelsia even pointed out that while in the jury house her apartment flooded and she never heard a thing about it until returning home.  

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