
Do you think Rev. Wright's sermons at Trinity may have crossed the line between separation of churchand state?

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Do you agree that the non-profit status for this church should be questioned?




  1. Why? The Reverend wasn't a member of the government. And he has a right to his opinion.

  2. All separation of church and state means is that the government may not sanction a specific religion.  Nor that the government can prohibit a specific religion, though it can practice certain practices.

    Nothing says religious figures can't get into politics.

  3. yea and seperation of human and animal

  4. " ... of THIS church ...?" They ALL need questioned.

    Look at the Evangelicals and their political involvement. Their known as, "The Christian Right." dear.

  5. Separation of Church and State is a one way wall.  The constitution says that "Congress shall make no law...".  As a very strong Christian Conservative I do not agree with Pastors taking the pulpit to preach about politics and specific party lines.  Such as Rev. Wright's comments about Bill Clinton specifically are wrong.  However, I do think it is acceptable to teach about moral issues that have taken the spotlight, such as abortion.

    So far as to come out and say a Church congregation should vote for x, y, or z representative for whatever reason, I think is irresponsible of pastors and Church leaders.  I personally would never attend a Church with a Pastor that would do that.  I have attended several black Church (I live in the south) none of them (in the days I attended) addressed political issues like Rev Wright did.  That is not to say they never have nor will.

    If Church leaders are using their pulpits to sway voters to one side over the other and not used to address moral issues (or financial responsibilities) then they would be considered political organizations, and should fall under tax status that political organizations are under.    

    I have had many conversations with pastors and Church leaders outside of service that politics was talked about, but it  would cause me to feel uncomfortable for it to be addressed directly from the pulpit.

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