
Do you think Roe vs Wade will ever be overturned?

by  |  earlier

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I don't think it honestly will. The Republicans use it every single election as a political cash cow. It seems they would have one less thing to appeal to their base and the Evangelicals if they were to actually overturn this as political ammo during an election. I think it is more of a political ploy by them at this point since they have had the opportunity to do this before. What is your opinion?




  1. You have it exactly right.  It is this same reason Bin Laden hasn't been caught/killed.  He is far more valuable as a boogeyman for the right-wing to scare people into voting for them.

  2. No, not unless some drastic new information is considered..

  3. do i really care...did you know it was the AMA that started legal action against abortion because they said the medical treatment was too dangerous...when Washington was president...there we no laws against abortion...thats why the issue came up because of the AMA...not your bigoted view of Christians...

  4. McCain has stated that as one of his goals

    it only takes a couple more conservative judges and it can be overturned, and McCain says he will appoint conservative judges

  5. No. If there were ever to be a Supreme Court that would do it, it would be this one. Scalia acts like he can do no wrong. The guy is a nut case.

  6. No and the Dems don't??? Where have you been , they always try and scare everyone with the idea that their choice will be taken away if a Rep wins. The fact is Abortion is just that a wedge issue to get their bases to vote

  7. I have been saying that too

    They like it being an issue. Bush could have done something about it,

    had years to do it and did nothing

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