
Do you think Roger Clemens should be in the hall of fame?

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i don't think he will because of how he handled the steroid contervesy what do u think




  1. No and i dont think Bonds should b cuz they used ROIDS but ik they are

  2. I don't see him getting in.

  3. Yes I think he should be. I don't know since when he was under steroids or even if he was.  But to pitch in the Majors the way he did is not made just injecting yourself some hormone. You need the ability and Clemens is a super star, a hall of famer. To be able to win 353 games in the majors is awesome and to have more than 4000 strikeouts is a major accomplishment. I don't care what the conservatives say, he should be in the HOF.

  4. Not a chance. Not proven yet but he is a juice junkie for sure. Bonds,Clemens,McGwire,Canseco,Palmeiro..... of em. Clemens is also a liar.Stands to reason that a guy like that would be a cheater as well.

  5. Yes. The question is should he get in not will he. Steroids or HGH or Potato Pancakes whatever he's incredible. Why is it that players like Bonds and Clemens, Sosa, and McGwire can put up bigger numbers than say Glenallen Hill and even Jason Giambi. It's because the natural talent is there, there is just a little extra added on. Besides who cares if Clemens does/did junk, it should be legal anyway. People need to realize that these aren't the only guys who have done steroids. Who is to say Craig Biggio and Albert Pujols aren't taking them?

  6. Probably yes, however, he should not. Him and Bonds will get in because you have to factor in the fact that they were both great players before they started taking the juice. Let's say around 2000 for both of them. I think that's what will eventually get the writers to put them both in. Bonds will probably be a first ballot still, however, I doubt Mr. Clemens goes in first ballot now. I feel your frustration, and it's a disgrace to his peers who will join him in the HOF (Randy Johnson, Maddux) as well as a disgrace to other peers who will probably not make it to the HOF (Schilling, Mike Mussina, etc..). I think he better be a very, VERY humble man if he ever gets to speak on the podium at Cooperstown.  

  7. Yes he should be and probably will be along with Bonds.

  8. Yea he didn't take Roids until late in his career and was already one of the best pitchers of all time before he took roids,but unfortunatly he'll never make it.

  9. well he is gonna be like bonds and mcgriwer  he wont go in as soon as hank arron or any one like that it will take time.  because of the rumors and steriods just like bonds and mcgreiwer it will be just like them.

  10. Clemens took steroids at a time when all the hitters took steroids and so he was just catching up. He should def get into the Hall. He has never been found guilty of taking steroids. Innocent until proven guilty.

  11. Yes.  

  12. NO

  13. Yeah i guess

  14. yes and so does bonds. i mean even if they were juiced, how many pitchers and hitters could do what clemens and bonds did if they were juiced as well? probably less than 0.5% of the players could and dont forget they were going up against a lot of juiced players too. so it levels out the playing field. you only hear clemens and bonds because they were the best. to not have 2 of the greatest players of all time in the Hall of Fame would be a travesty.

  15. Accusations, rumors, gossip, innuendo -- all those things are why the founding fathers said a man must be considered innocent until proven guilty. It doesn't matter whether Clemens handled the accusations. That is all that they were. Now, Selig blew the PEDs and steroids issue, for sure. It will never ever be known for sure who did what when. But you can NOT punish Clemens or even, alas, Bonds because Selig is an idiot. If they are barred from the Hall of Fame, then others will be and the others just might be innocent. We have to live with what we've got. It might not be what we want to do, but he goes in, as does Bonds. There simply is not other American way to treat the issue.

  16. As much as I dislike Clemens (hate him, as a matter of fact), he is one of the best pitchers of our time. It would be a shame to see him miss out because of the steroid controversy. Once people wake up and realize that everybody is taking steroids, so there is no advantage either way, they will realize how stupid this whole thing is.

    Bonds and Clemens should both be first ballot Hall of Famers.

  17. I would say that it will take a long while,Due to the steroid case.  

  18. MY thinking on it is that all players with "HOF" numbers should be in.  This would include Pete Rose, Shoeless Joe Jackson, and anyone that was involved with steroids, gambling, etc.  But they should have their story told with all the details and maybe have their own little "Hall of Shame" section.  I know this won't happen, just one man's opinion.

  19. If what we really want in the Hall of Fame is a gang of liars, cheaters, and gamblers, then by all means, legitimate or otherwise, vote in Bonds, Clemens, McGwire, Sosa, and other steroid abusers, and Rose (oops!, I forgot Rose was "PERMANENTLY" banned by the Hall of Fame committee). Not their fault, it (gambling) has always been banned by baseball since 1876, and it (gambling) is spelled out as grounds for banishment from baseball.

    However, no matter what, in or out, their tainted stats should be admitted to the Hall of Fame, along with a statement by the Hall of Fame committee, of why the stats are tainted.

    Fair is fair, they cheated, and it should be noted, and put into the statistical and historical record for all time.

  20. He should be in and so should Bonds.  

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