
Do you think Roger Federer`s defeat to Blake was due to tiredness?

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Roger said after his match how bad the schedule is and its ridiculous having such little time to recover for big important matches. He said he was ``fatigued`` a little. What do you reckon ?




  1. How the h**l can you say hes gotten old hes only 27 ffs, hes just having a bad year he will rise above it and im sure he can get num 1 back next year if he just puts this year behind him and works at it, he still is a great player and is better then most everyone in the world, just cause he had a bad day and a crappy year doesnt mean he is done, everyone has slumps lol i know im quoting batman but:

    the night is darkest just before the dawn

  2. maybe, he still has a double's match soon..he shoulda sticked to singles only instead of taking on so much

  3. I'm not sure what exactly he's tired of. Maybe he's tired of the game. He hasn't played that many matches of late. He's played the bare minimum that is required for a top ranked player, and he has been getting knocked out early in tournaments. There is no way Federer can be more tired than anyone else on the tour.

  4. It's deja vu - take a look back to Sampras a few years ago, when he started losing matches that he would have won with his eyes shut. I think he's lost his drive to win since he lost to Nadal in WImbledon this year. Now that spark has gone, it's like watching the kid-Federer (they showed his first Wimbledon replays this year when Wimbledon was having rain breaks, when he was ranked 7) - talent is still visible in his game, but the extra something that made him and Sampras special, has just gone. Don't think he will ever come back now. More tired of the game - no-one can sustain his incredible form for so long - he did it for over 4 years!

  5. i don't think so, sure he must be tired, as the rest of the players. but rog is used to this kind of schedule.-

    he's just having a bad time.-

  6. I think Roger does not have confidence in his ability to win anymore.  As a racket sports player I know the feeling of stepping up to play not believing that you have a good enough game to win the next point. Is a horrible feeling and for me Federer exhibits all the symptons, even losing matches he should win i.e. Monte Carlo and Hamburg.  

    Rogers B game used to be good enough against most players and to me its not age or fitness, its all between the ears.

    The other day I heard John Lloyd saying he felt Roger needs a coach I agree fully, he can have his pick.  If he had someone like Gilbert or Connors (not necessary either) perhaps he could turn things around like Roddick did for a bit with Connors a few years back.

  7. If he said he was tired, then take his word for it. It's not a good thing to be feeling tired against the power players like Blake, Monfils, and of Nadal. It's the same story as it has been; his confidence his down, his timing is off, and he's probably a little mentally down as well. What can he say, the media's been ripping him apart this whole year. Give Blake full credit though, he probably played one of the best matches of his career.

  8. Since he lost early in Canada and Cincinnati, he hasn't played as much tennis as he normally has at this time of year. Federer is the most conditioned athlete on the tour. For him to get "tired" in a best of 3 tournament after playing less matches in the year is highly unlikely. I think that for the first time against Blake, he just got outplayed!

    Every player (even the greatest champions) go through slumps in their careers. Most of them can bounce back at some point to the level they were before, but it happens nevertheless. It's happend to Sampras, Agassi and now Federer. I think a string of losses (for a player not used to loosing) can really affect their confidence. They are no longer sure that they are going to win as easily so they play with less confidence which negatively affects their game. It's a vicious cycle. At the same time, the opponent who knows that they are the underdog, no longer views them as "invincible" and if Blake being aware of Federer's slump, plays like he has nothing to loose, Viola! You have another major upset.

    As inconsistent as James Blake has been throughout his career, and despite his poor record against Federer, he has always had the weapons to beat Federer, he's just never been able DO it. Blake actually has exactly the same weapons that Federer has, (130mph serve, super powerful forehand, solid one-handed backhand, good volley, great footspeed), just lacking the precision and consistency of Federer. This time, he just took his chances, played more consistently and more confidently than Federer did and that's why Federer lost. To me the simplest explaination tends to be correct more often than not. In this case, I would have to agree with the players own comments about the match.

    James Blake- “If you play him enough times, he’s bound to have an off day, I proved that I played with the best tonight, and it couldn’t have happened to me on a better stage.”

    Roger Federer- "“I’ve played him on many occasions, but I think this was the best I’ve seen him, I’m happy for him. He’s a good guy. I hope he can go all the way now.”

    Nuff said! Go USA...

  9. Roger is in too good of shape to be "fatigued."  Sadly, he is just getting old :(

  10. he just made excuse

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