
Do you think Romney and others have base to sue McCain for s*x discrimination? Comparing the qualifications?

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Do you think Romney and others have base to sue McCain for s*x discrimination? Comparing the qualifications?




  1. Good idea.  Then can I sue the Democratic Party for Obama, considering his qualifications compared to Hillary.

  2. Now that's laughable.

    MCCAIN / PALIN '08

  3. Only if Hillary can sue Obama for s*x discrimination and Biden can sue Obama for reverse racial discrimination.

  4. No, you're thinking like a democrat.

    I bet you are one...

  5. This was not a job opening that people applied for.  It's a political position, and McCain chose who he thought was best.

    I was voting for McCain before this happened, btw.

    So should Hillary sue then?

  6. No.  If that was the case Hilary Clinton could make the same claim.  Please do not be ignorant.  Speaking of qualifications, she has CEO experience which is something that neither Obama, McCain, or Biden can say.  She has direct international trade and foreign relations experience (Japan, Russia, Canada).

    Now, this does not mean that I am pro McCain.  His choice just affirms that he pays too much attention to polls (which most politicians at that level do).  McCain's choice goes to the core values of the Republican party: Christian values, Pro Life/Anti-Abortion, Land Development not Land Preservation, Big Business getting richer not matter what the cost...and so on.  Just as Obama holds to the Democrats values - Government establishs control for social issues and reforms, tax big business, greater government spending on social issues versus supplementing business...and so on.  Look at the candidate, not the gender, race, or religion.  Look at their voting records, alliances, and platforms.

  7. If that was the case then Hillary would have sued Obama- dontcha think?

  8. Reread the Constitution for qualifications of being a President and VP. Have to be born in the U.S. and 35 years old.  

  9. Gee, I guess the US Government is just one big Corporation....... NOT.

  10. No.  Don't be stupid.

  11. Hillary would have a much better case against inexperienced Obama

  12. If Obama can run with no experience, why would anyone care about the experience of McCains VP?

  13. Are you kidding, please stop inhaling

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