
Do you think Ron Paul still has a chance to take this election?

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Any other Ron Paul supporters think that he still has a shot?

Heres an amazing video where you can watch where he stands on issues on Youtube




  1. No way !!!

  2. Definitely not, Bob Barr has more of a chance.

  3. no..even the media doesnt talk about him

  4. nope sorry

  5. No, not enough followers.

  6. Yes.  Right after the Mothership lands and all his followers get on board.

  7. I wish!  But no, realistically he can't

  8. Oh yeah, he just stole the show at the RNC.

  9. I think he does, but he would have to get on the band wagon immediately in order to get his name out there to more people and let them know their vote wouldn't be wasted.

  10. ron paul is the only thing that can stop McCain. he would steal republican vote and give Obama the lead. I wager that the repubs are paying ron paul not to run.

  11. Sorry, but he really doesn't.

  12. Here's part of his speech at the rally tonight...

    I know I'd sure vote for him!

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