
Do you think Rory Emerald's house in Beverly Hills is haunted? I just read this in The Globe (tabloid).

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Do you think Rory Emerald's house in Beverly Hills is haunted? I just read this in The Globe (tabloid).




  1. No, the house currently occupied by the great Rory Emerald is not haunted.  Rather, it is believed by many that all who enter that house will have good fortune.

  2. Of course not. TABLOIDS ARE NOT REAL NEWS. Tabloids cater to the simple minded. They publish stupid articles on things that have no scientific evidence and do not contain real news. The whole objective of tabloids is to make money. Stupid people read them and are amazed and fascinated by the "facts" and "authentic photos" published in tabloids, and they keep buying them. For some reason they can't tell that the photos such as "Amelia Aerhart's body found in her plane" are just crudely and poorly photoshopped pictures.

    Once again: TABLOIDS ARE NOT REAL NEWS!!! Never take anything in a tabloid seriously unless you see it in a real newspaper as well, but this is highly unlikely!

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