
Do you think Running is right for me?

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I am a Freshmen in Highschool and, unfortunately, I cannot participate in any sports untill 10th grade, but I would like to start running. I am 14, male, and I am 5 foot 6 inches. I weigh 125 pounds. What would I exactly do?




  1. Well do you have any times we could look at?..You can't tell if you're good at something until you do it, wieight and height have nothing to do with it.  You're still young, maybe for a year you should jump around a little try different sports and see what's best for you. If you have a lot of passion for running then run, if you have a lot of passion for something else do that..but it sounds like you'd be a better distance runner..5'6 at 125 lbs is pretty light..i'm about 5'7 143 and not exactly that buff

  2. Yeah! Dude don't listen to anyone that says no! Do it! I had the same problem as you and I did it! Now I'm a senior in high school and I'm on the varsity team. Just stick with it and keep moving. If I were you I would do about 2 miles every day at a nice jog (if that's too easy then bump it up to 3). Then keep working up from there. One day maybe try 1 mile more then normal. I would say make your goal to be able to do at least 5 miles without stopping. If any of this is to easy just increase the milage. What you really should do is talk to the head coach and ask him what you should do. (thats what I did) Good luck to you! Hopefully youll be kickin butt next year in cross country or track! Never give up!

  3. If you like running then you should do cross country its a great sport! Also since you have a while you could start running a couple times a week and you would be doing reallly good for next year!

  4. Put one foot in front of the other faster.   Next question?

  5. go for it, its a great sport and i am sure you will do great. good luck.

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