
Do you think Russia are rethinking strategy after being warned by David Miliband, or is that akin to being to?

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being told off by Ronald McDonald?




  1. Wow! I bet they're shaking in their shoes - with laughter!

  2. I am mostly sure that the last British prime minister worth to be heard by Russia was Mrs. Thatcher, so the Miliband boychik has but no chances to be recognized at all :)

  3. To quote Denis Healey, "It's a bit like being savaged by a dead sheep".

  4. Why dont these guys see how stupid they look telling other people off. And to think they are in Iraq looting and all.

  5. Jesus that "boy" is very geeky looking,and he wants to challenge for the leadership of the Labour party.The best thing would be to kidnap him and fly him off to Georgia,dumping him in South Ossetia alone,and then watch him sobbing for his mother

  6. We're very cross with Russia.  They invaded another country and tried to impose regime change.  We've got a copyright on that.

  7. ha ha ha

    He couldn't warn me off the garden swings!

  8. This is what Miliband had to say.....

    "The sight of Russian tanks rolling into parts of a sovereign country on its neighbouring borders will have brought a chill down the spine of many people," he told BBC radio. "That is simply not the way in which international relations can be run in the 21st century."

    Now if you replace Russian in this statement with British and the sovereign country we are talking about is Iraq.........has he not just spoken the biggest load of rubbish you have ever heard.

    I bet Putin was on his back laughing at the sheer hypocrisy of the man :)

  9. russia,  didn't we collapse there whole government with out even shooting a gun, and didn't we kick them right out of Kosovo. and now we are in the black sea doing what ever we want.  the more i think about it, the more i realize Russia is a JOKE.  lol

  10. Miliband? Rhymes with 'silly man'. About the situation in Georgia he said, 'Violence is not the way to solve difficult problems in the 21st century'. He must be thinking of the peaceable way we went into Iraq and with gentle persuasion managed to achieve so much. Silly man!

  11. Yes,the Russians must be quaking in their boots.

  12. I am sure Putin is absolutely terrified by the Boy Miliband. After all, Gordy MacBroon, Leader of Men, has ordered two aircraft carriers in preparation for New Labour's next "two oceans" war.

  13. I think they think it is Tim Henman you know. I keep mixing the two of them up myself as it is.  

  14. I should imagine it would have the same effect.

  15. Interesting to note two people mention Putin, who is no longer leader of Russia.....or is he?

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