
Do you think Russia made the correct counterattack on Georgia?

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Do you think Russia made the correct counterattack on Georgia?




  1. What "counterattack", man?

    Counterattack is when someone attacks YOU and you fight back. But Georgia did not attack Russia, they just entered Georgian territory of South Ossetia (yes, it belongs to Georgia and even Russia agree with that). So, what we have? We have two self-proclaimed "countries": Abkhazia and South Ossetia, which exist only from criminal activities of their "governments". Georgia put troops into its own rebel provinces to stop that criminal bullshit.

    How can it be correct that Russian troops come into Georgian territories to protect georgian criminals from the georgian government?

  2. Good question. A country has the right to protect its people especially if an another country assaulted the other. Russia is only protecting its people when Georgian military attacked Russian "territories". The appropriate answer would be "correct but overkill".

  3. No they did not.  

  4. The thought that Russia was protecting itself by attacking is kind of over the top. Russia was in Georgia's province. Russia should not have been there in the first place. Also, those provinces had rebels, which were attacking Georgia. I dont know what provoked it, but saying Russia has a right to defend itself is absurd.

    Also, Russia can use peace keepers. But a large scale attack, continuing days after Georgia surrendered is asking for other countries to get involved. Its bullying and killing for no reason. Georgia may not have had a reason to attack the break away provinces (I am sure there was, georgia is not a war-hungry country), but Russia certainly didnt have the right to attack back.  

  5. Yes, perfectly correct. Russia have saved its citizens, destroyed Georgian rockets systems which was shooting on Tskhinvali. Georgian weapons was on Georgian territory, so Russia had to enter it to secure civilians those guns were attacking. Georgian soldiers had bravely fled then, and Russian forces had to stay and protect abandoned rockets from local bandits, until owners return. Now mission is complete and army is leaving, and peacemakers are staying. What is wrong here?

  6. Yes. Russia don't want to replay the 1940 event when Soviet Union (Communism) were formed to counterback n**i's Germany.

  7. For Russia to protect there people yes But! within reason not heavy handed as they did and doing what they like! To protect with rules and laws for everyone involed is needed. Not like the way they did things i think.. Could of been controlled better with the same result!

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