
Do you think Ryan Leaf or Tim Couch could make a come back in the CFL or Arena Football?

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Not saying if they would or not but asking if you think they could keep up with the play and stuff like that.




  1. Probably not. Look what happened with Akili Smith. If they made the team, theyd have a tough time learning a new gameplan and new rules. They'd either be released within one year or be 3rd string at best

  2. Nope.  Mike McMahon and Akili Smith showed us this past season that NFL QB rejects don't do well in the CFL.  McMahon came right from a backup role stateside to the Argos, and still struggled mightily.  Since neither Couch or Leaf has played pro football in a while, I don't think they'd do well in the Canadian game.

  3. Couch would get eaten alive in the AFL, he's not mobile enough.

    As for Leaf, too old.

  4. If they could, they probably would have.  Neither was able to do anything in the NFL.  Leaf has been coaching golf or something the last couple years and Couch made several comeback attempts from a bad shoulder injury that never healed properly.

  5. Doubt it, they'r probably both out of football shape by now.  Leaf is definately too old now.

  6. Couch and Leaf were the NFL's, and all sports, biggest loser draft picks!! They will definitely be voted to the Hall of Shame.

  7. If they have already coached in the cfl, there is a better chance of them trying it again when their well dries up in the nfl.  :)

  8. Over-hyped talent were those two. If Akili Smith couldn't cut it at the CFL level, surely Couch nor Leaf could either

  9. Of course.  Both players are American.  That means they are superior to anything that the Canadian league has to offer.

  10. Ryan Leaf is done in football.  He could not have made it in the CFL when he came out of college anyway.  Tim Couch and Ryan Leaf both have very limited mobility and would not do well in the CFL game.  Both of them also showed a propensity to hold on to the ball too long and make slow/poor decisions.  This trait would mean that they would have little or no chance of playing in a game as fast as the AFL as well.  Both were major disappointments and sadly neither of them will ever relive their football glory days at any level.

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