
Do you think SUV drivers are catching on that us car drivers use tactics that keep them waiting in traffic?

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SUV waitng to get out on the road? slow down to keep them waiting? Suv behind, slow down to make them go around? it's all payback for blocking our views.




  1. I know a couple who have matching Hummers... and they don't really know or care about what people think of their rides.  

    They are really nice people, too! They would never flip the bird at someone else.  They're getting married in November, wish them the best, Brian and Jamie.

    Love Jack

  2. You find me a Toyota Prius that can fit everything needed for me and my infant twin daughters when we visit the in laws across the state and I will think about buying it.

    That would include a swing, a bouncer, 2 pack-n-play (they are getting big), diaper genie, pump for my wife, baby bottles, baby clothes, 2 infant car seats, my suitcase, my wife's suitcase etc...

    If not I will stick with my Tahoe.  And for those smart enough to ask why we don't keep some of this at my in-laws I will say that is hard enough to buy items for twins once, let alone two to three times

    I also forgot to add that there is a really big Mountain range in the way and I do appreciate not having to chain up or wait for the road to get better thanks to my four wheel drive, even though I do live in Suburbia.

  3. Just SUV's?  What about trucks & vans?  

    You are free to buy the vehicle style and size of your choice.  So you can't see.... those with larger vehicles pay more for gas, and can't fit in some parking spaces... there's drawbacks to every type of vehicle.

  4. that is so g*y..."For blocking your view"? By a bigger car and that would solve that problem...

  5. can you say road rage? Idiotic behavior and the resulting "accidents" are natures way of cleaning up the gene pool.

  6. I dont know, but

    I wish I could buy a tiny, more efficient car, but Im scared of being completely totalled if I ever get in a crash with one of the monster cars on the road today. You live in suburbia, people! Why would you need an army truck.

  7. the name for this escapes me but it's a mild form of paranoia.

  8. lol. and i do cuz they want to abuse us owners of lil cars...

  9. Thanks for the great idea. I honestly think SUV owners are the most wasteful ignorant people who deserve to watch their cash disappear at the gas pumps.

    Anything I can do to make that happen is a good thing.

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