
Do you think Saddam Hussein shouldve been left to rule his country?

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Do you think Saddam Hussein shouldve been left to rule his country?




  1. Yes.

  2. nope cause he killed his own people in did not care about life ever glad he was caught in killed just like bin laden is going to do when they catch him they will hang him to with the rest of the idoit's they all need to die they act like they a god are something all the time ALI this and ALI that ali is not a god and never has been cause god dont tell you to blow people up are kill them a bunch of stupid people

  3. Yes , even tho he was an evil guy we had no right to take control of his country for no reason (apart from oil)

    He may have been evil but had some control of his people

    unlike just now

  4. Helllll No!!

  5. No! He was dangerous to the entire region and by extension the world. He tried to build the biggest cannon on earth to shell Israel with and he did use WMD's on the Kurd's, further he invaded Iran and Kuwait. When we were pushing him out of Kuwait he still launched 33 scud missiles at Israel. a lunatic like that cannot be left in charge of anything-too dangerous. It is unbelievable to me that anyone "trusted" him when he said he had no more WMD's. He demonstrated the desire to use them and I believe that he would have made more eventually. He had to go!

  6. Of course not

  7. Yes, we have no right to interfere in the regime of other countries unless they commence an act of war against us or our allies. The UN makes it illegal to go to war purely for the purpose of regime change. Whatever goes on in other countries is no business of ours. Saddam's regime was despotic and brutal, but there's plenty of those around the world that we have decided not to get involved with, Why? Because they don't have oil.

  8. No, he was killing the people.

  9. RNPNP .... Of course not ... he was a liability in that region ... his regime was brutal ... and he did nothing for his citizens .... did you know as wealthy as Iraq was ... they did not have one childrens hospital in the country ... with the Kurdish children having one of the highest pediatric cancer rates in the world ...????

  10. I'm not saying that he was a proper leader, but he posed no threat to the U.S., as he had no WMDs. It was a terrible mistake on the U.S.'s part to invade Iraq because it weakened the fight waged in the justified war in Afghanistan. It was also foolish to go ahead with the invasion without support of the U.N. or the world community.

  11. Hmnn.. we know he was a brutal dictator, but we had no right to invade Iraq.  Just recently it has been admitted that the West went in for the oil......(as if we needed to be told).  

    Let's face it, most people would probably be okay if Britain removed Mugabe......but no political will to do so and no oil!

  12. Probably

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