
Do you think Saggitarius men are better at hookups than relationships?

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Odd how most of the sagg men that I've associated with are usually GREAT friends with benefits but horrible when it comes to relationship... what do you think? what are your experiences??




  1. yes, I'm a Sag woman and this applies to me as well

  2. It really depends on the sag and I would say generally no. IMO

  3. Funny you say that iam a sagg man and just wanted too see what you girls had to say about dating a Sagg man. I think that you are correct in your thinking. the whole relationship thing gets real boring for me and i find it takes away from my freedom to do the things i want. But their is a way to cure that take us out to different places and give us space when we need it. The second  answer girl i would never date and in my guess must be alot better looking then her boy friend for him to let her suffocate him like that. Or she is a Taurus.

  4. I'm a Pisces and about four years ago I had a friends with benefts thing going on for a couple of months with a Saggitarius guy. I really hated his personality and we clashed alot, but I guess that made things great in the bedroom lol. He definitely wasn't the kinda guy who wanted to get tied down and really valued his freedom.

  5. I would say yes, because I am a Sag and I would rather hook up than be in a relationship.  We are hard to tie down.  One thing about us, we don't really like the binds of a committment unless it's really worth it.  While we are young we like to have our fun.  If we get into a relationship (AND DONT CHEAT!) It's because we really have a deep connection with the other person, and are able to still be ourselves and enjoy the things we love, otherwise, it's here today and gone tomorrow for us.  I could tell you some

    When we finally get with the person we want, we are great in the relationship as long as we feel loved an appreciated, otherwise its back to the same ol stuff for us.  I can be really dedicated to a guy, but when I'm not happy i'm out the door!

  6. Although astrology applies to a lot of things, I think that when it comes to relationships and fidelity it has more to do with how a person is raised and their own moral compass. My brother's a Sag and he's ONLY been in monogamous long-term relationships. He has never even called a woman anything besides her name, doesn't party that much, and is really respectful. I'm Aquarius, another sign that's supposed to be committment phobic and I'm the same way as he is. I love committed relationships and casual s*x has never been for me. So I would see how he's been in the past as far as relationships go... Good luck!

  7. all saggies i know. (men and women) are fun fire signs who hate to be held down. though they are loving, they can pick up and go and are looking for the next best thing. however are very loyal and exciting partners once they do commit.

  8. i dated a sag guy once and he was real fun and nice, but definitely not a long term relationship type. sags do have a rep for being "promiscuous" and there is some truth to that.

  9. I wouldnt say HORRIBLE when it comes to relationships, but if i had to choose, yes, better as friends with benefits. Although it seems to me when i want a non-comittal relationship with a sag, they push for a relationship, and when they have the relationship they go back to friends with benefits..drives me nuts!!!!


  10. My sag asked me to be his wife... I resisted the relationship in the beginning honestly... He 's awesome lol, I think I got him in check though... He knows I won't allow BS and I will vanish in a minute if he plays.... He is attached at the hip with me, its cool...... he is my best friend.

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