
Do you think Sarah Palin's daughter being pregnant has anything to do with...?

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wether she will be a good vice president or not.....




  1. Hi OMG,

    You know, in all of history there has only been one politician that lived up to the ideal of a classic Victorian tea tottler:

    1) A great spokesman and orator.

    2) Maticulously neat and kept homes and apartments that way.

    3) Did not drink

    4) Did not smoke and tried discouraging others around him from doing so well before the anti smoking era.

    5) He came very close to firing one of his high ranking ministers for having a torrid affair with a movie actress while he had a wife and five kids.

    His name? Adolf Hitler!


    Michael Kelly

  2. No

  3. should do. sorry but its not a gd enough example to set american teens

  4. There will be a lot of people who will talk c**p about it but I dont think it has anything to do with the job at hand.

  5. Well, how's that old saying go? The 'ho doesn't fall very far from the... 'ho?

  6. No.

  7. yes

  8. yes.

    if she can't stop some guy from getting her daughter pregnant, whats going to happen when terrorist try and get the rest of us pregnant?

  9. No! I think she probably was working too hard to notice what her daughter was doing, but I think her daughter was raised better and she made a mistake so now she has to live with the consequences. It's not her Mother's fault she couldn't keep her legs closed tight.  

  10. 17 years old, pregnant, unmarried?  Someone will use it against her.

  11. No.  Her daughter is old enough to know right from wrong, and knew that by having s*x she was taking a chance on getting pregnant.  True, I guess it could be seen as Sarah Palin's fault if you use the angle of "she is her mother and should have taught her better".  However, how many of us actually listened to our mothers when we were 17?  I know I didn't!

  12. Not a thing

  13. I think her being pregnant has alot to do w/ some horny guy trying to nail the Mayors daughter

  14. well shes is not really setting  a good example is she ?  

  15. No, it has nothing to do with it.

    However, her daughter shouldn't get pregnant when she's seventeen.

    Palin is a good speaker, and when she gave the speech she means it, and she should be beautiful, and has the guts.


  16. not at all... but to cry out "Its my private life" is pathetic. You are in politics, you have no private life.

  17. Well not especially! but if she can't control her daughter, can she control 300 million people? What happened to her daughter doesn't really have anything to do with whether she is a good VP or not, and the answer to that is OBVIOUSLY NO. She has almost no experience. There are so many other patriotic good republicans that McCain could have chosen as his VP.

    I guess what really bothers me is the fact that she ditched her four month baby with down syndrome to become VP.

    Also I find it very strange that she Preaches Abstinance, no s*x-ed in schools, and her OWN daughter becomes pregnant while still in Highschool. What does this say about that system?

    Also: What happened to "leave the candidate family alone, stop attacking the candidates family"? the Republicans are currently f*cking HYPOCRITES! They attacked Michele Obama with every insult they could find last night!  

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