
Do you think Sarah Palin hides her pot stash in that beehive?

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The dirt is coming out already: Palin has admitted to using illegal drugs:

From Time Magazine:,28804,1837523_1837531_1837534,00.html

The Republicans are already twisting themselves into pretzels trying to explain away all the criticism about Obama's lack of experience after picking the least qualified person on their VP shortlist, Now they've got to try to explain McBeehive's drug use. And don't forget she's under investigation for alleged Abuse of power.

Did McCain make a huge mistake?




  1. Oh my god. she smoked pot , the worst drug in the short list of drugs,  But hey at least being a repub she had the  smarts to inhale and enjoy and be honest as opposed to our favorite dem Old Billy boy.

  2. No, she hides the pot in her moose burgers.

  3. She tried pot.

    So what?

    What's worse than that? Disrespectful, smart *** questions like yours.

  4. really? if that's true it might make me swing over to the old warmonger. It's about time the grave injustice that occurred 71 years ago was undone. Making a textile illegal under the guise of it being harmful was one of the worst actions of the 20th century. without hemp our chances of creating energy independence is near zero. and to all those that think it's a dangerous drug, please go to and verifiable fact: aspirin has caused more deaths (7,500) than Marijuana (0). It's not your fault you were deceived but it is your fault once you are educated about the truth and still cling to the lies.

    Any chance of making her the prez and the geezer VP?

  5. No she hides mace in that beehive for guys like you.

  6. Doesn't take much to terrify the obamabots, does it?

  7. Oh please. Stop making our party look stupid.

  8. It was legal in AK at the time, do some research & quit quoting from blogs. Obama did the illegal drugs not her, so what now?

  9. Maybe we should bring up Obama's drug habits? Please. Give me a break. Do you know how liberal Time Magazine is? They will publish any story.  

  10. Saw that interview earlier today and have been wondering when this would come out in the open.  

    A little computer knowledge could have revealed this to McCain.  She is an interesting person.  I hate her stance on abortion and creationism and I could never have had 5 kids without killing myself, but what is coming out makes her seem less of an evangelical christian and more just simply opinionated.  

    Should be a fun run.  Imagine John is all atwitter at this, but then he was a smoker for 30 years and I don't know any Vietnam vets who didn't smoke dope at least once.  It was the 60's and there were a lot of compelling reasons to "drop out".

  11. Using illegal drugs, especially pot, in the past is not a big issue with me concerning politicians. As long as they have a history of being clean and responsible, it is a non-factor to me.

    Alcohol is legal, but I would be hesitant to nominate a drunk into the Oval Office.  

  12. Pot is legal for personal use in Alaska. That makes it legal. After cleaning up the corruption in Alaska, you think a few of the ones she outed aren't going to look for payback? Alleged means un -proven.  

  13. It doesn't really count though...she said she didn't inhale .

  14. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooooooooo...

  15. Yes, but not because she hides/does not hide pot in her beehive.  Most people do not want to, nor should they, be held for mistakes made in thier youth.

    However, I hold Palin responsible for wanting to push her religion down my throat today!  Her stance on abortion, g**s and creationism are repulsive.

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