
Do you think Sarah Palin is American dream comes true?

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You can only imagine story like Sarah's exists in movies. With all the roadblocks thrown at her, she is strong and she charges forward, and she is doing it with poise and grace. We wish her luck.

I will not waste any more questions questioning Obama, it is just not worth it. Sarah is the epitome of success for American women.

We are so proud of her!!!!!




  1. She is a real drama queen and soap opera heroine.

  2. I can tell you that down here in Georgia we are thrilled that this lady,from clear across the United States,  has shown up to take control with McCain bringing a breath of fresh air as Fred Thompson put it. Yes she is America's dream come true.

  3. Nicely put Real grit.  She is the All American Hockey Mom. Gotta love that!  And the dems just hate that!  

  4. Nope. American dream come true is Barack, Michelle and the Obama family. They look so perfect. The hockey mom is more of a trailer trash elite version.

  5. She can't even raise her children properly, how is she supposed to run the country (After John McCain dies, he's older than dirt)

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