
Do you think Sarah Palin is the naughty librarian?

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I'd like her to show me her books on human biology.




  1. I can't wait to see what sort of interesting skeletons get found

    in her closet.

    I think McCain shot himself in the foot, BIGTIME. Even if

    Palin's history is clean as a whistle, she's so ultra-

    conservative she's gonna literally scare people over

    to the Obama/Biden ticket.

    I sleep better at night knowing the GOP is DOOMED.

    Best thing to happen for Obama yet!!!!

  2. No she is the Governor of


  3. Wouldn't a Libertarian believe in the division between church and state?

  4. Yea, she is McCains sidekick...check this pic out

    I bet this pisses Cindy Off...LOL

    OBAMA 08

  5. uh ya, until I saw her shooting the M-4 Rifle on TV, dude she's the hottest rifelwoman in the country....

  6. You can't take that book out.

  7. She's a creationist - she doesn't believe in evolution or in global warming.

    She'd probably burn all the biology books she could find.

  8. Just think. In another six years, you'll be old enough to vote. Hopefully you'll mature some along the way, too.

  9. momof3: love your photoshopped picture

  10. Yes, go for it, good luck. Maybe you can have 5 kids with her

  11. that wouldn't be very GODLY. probably lays there like a log, sorry to ruin the fantasy.  

    Remember s*x is only for procreation, unless you are a meth addicted homosexual who runs a mega-church.

  12. I'd like her to prove to me that she's ever read a book.

  13. She also reminds me of that commercial when the woman comes home pulling her clothes off.

    "I can get out  the bacon and fry it up in a pan and never let you know that you're a man. Because I'm a woman w-o-m-a-n"

    Only thing that woman doesn't show 5 growing children that need to be nurtured.

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