
Do you think Sarah Palin...?

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is every abortion supporters' nightmare? i mean, she came from as humble everyday beginnings as most of us, had 5 children and STILL created an amazing career; has a solid marriage and family life with her handsome hubby and they welcomed a special needs child...

OMG she's everything women and girls have been convinced by abortionists they COULD NEVER be if they didn't kill their babies...




  1. I am very excited she has been chosen...Obama is shaking in his pants after this one.  Before this I was slightly concerned but now I know we have it in the bag in November.

  2. Yes.

  3. I think she's a nightmare for a lot more than just the pro-abortion crowd.

    I love this pick.  I'm voting for Sarah Palin, McCain just comes with the deal.

    -- Kathy059 -- Yes she is amazing.  But then America is full of amazing women.  That's why we rock..  I'm looking forward to the first of those amazing women becoming our VP.


    I LOVE HER!!

  5. isn't it cool??

    go sarah !!

  6. Yes I do. she is an awesome person and will be a great asset for McCain when he is president. for all the reasons every Democrat wanted Hillary in the white house, we need Palin. She will be a voice for the women, and for the pro-life ways we need. I cannot wait to vote for McCain and Palin.  

  7. Amazing woman isn't she?

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