
Do you think Sarah Palin should be more of a Mom, rather then a VP?

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Do you think Sarah Palin should be more of a Mom, rather then a VP?




  1. why can't she be both

    would you ask a man..why can't you be a full time DAD instead

    of being in office?

    My father was in Politics and he had time for his family..and my mother

    worked too..most women and men work now days..can't we work and

    still have a family?  I guess you just can't see this? even the Amish women have to work just like their men

  2. When was hillary ever a wife

  3. Cant she be both?......Why dont you ask the same about the male candidates...Should Obama be more of a Dad than a President?

  4. I think that if she was a man NO ONE would DARE say that! Shame on are a woman and ought to support women in power.

  5. It's a personal decision she must make.  If she feels that her and her husband can provide for five children, one of who has special needs and another who is pregnant, while running for a high level public office, then by all means she has every right to do so.  I am in no position to judge whether or not it is the right decision for her and her family.

  6. She has no problems with being both Mother and VP. She can do it. Everybody needs assistance and she has plenty of that.

  7. I didn't see my mom all that much when I was growing up, actually.  My dad was the stay-at-home parent while my mom worked full time to pay the bills.  I don't see why Todd Palin can't be a full-time dad like mine was.

  8. She is kick a$$ enough, she can be both and be awesome at both.

  9. Yes, but I'm unusual in that I do not think children should spend time in daycare at all.

  10. From the looks of things, Bristol's got that covered.

  11. She does have a husband.  Last I knew, men are perfectly capable of raising children.

  12. I think a strong mom makes an excellent VP. Better than Biden.

  13. No more than I would say that a male candidate with young children should be more of a dad.  

  14. Why has the subject of a man being more of a Dad rather than a VP never been brought up?

  15. Wow what affect Palin had on the Democraps. Love it!!!!!!! Didn't say that about Hillary did you?????? Should she had stayed home to care for her husband and make sure he stayed at home?

  16. HA!  Sexist!!!!  No, I do not.

  17. I don' t think it's for you or I to say.  

  18. I guess there are many women who DON'T want a woman to be in office after all, then.

  19. Yes

  20. I think with a new infant and a young daughter she should spend as much time as possible at home until the kids are older.  

  21. No.  

    Why don't people ever question whether men are able to balance family and career?  Obama has two little kids.  The Bush twins were in their teens when their dad first took office, and we all know how much those two partied when they were in school.  Chelsey Clinton was only 12 when Bill was elected.  Amy Carter was only 10 when Jimmy was elected.  Kennedy's kids were all little when he was in office.  Same with Teddy Roosevelt and Abe Lincoln.  And not one person ever suggested that those presidents should focus more on being dads and raising their kids than on running the country.  

    It's really a shame when other women say stupid sh*t like criticizing successful women with careers for not "staying home and raising the kids".  While I personally think that Sarah Palin is an ignorant hypocritical nutjob, I don't fault her for having ambition.  

  22. Her daughter's pregnancy doesn't mean that she isn't doing her parenting job. But, with the challenge of raising 5 children and now a grandchild on the way, maybe she would be wise to consider how her political career will affect her family. I think they may need her more than we do.

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