
Do you think Sarah Palin will keep the same glasses and hairdo throughout the campaign?

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Politics is show biz after all. And voters are notorious for selecting a candidate based on glamour.

John F Kennedy

Ronald Reagan

Bill Clinton




  1. No, but this time we have a girl with potentially 'too much' glamour.  I'm sure the glasses and hair are stage props.  She looks like the 'before makeover' protaganist in a chick flick.

    (Hey, I like her.  I'm just betting someone warned her against coming off as 'too pretty', what do you want to bet?)

  2. I hope so- she looks nice, so why should she change?

  3. Yeah she carries half her meds and her gun up there.

    Hides that pointed head she got from wearing those funny little white hats or quite possibly the 666 she's got etched up there.

    Besides what will all the bimbos have to do besides emulate her?

    The time has come for a beauty queen as PRESIDENT!!!

    You knew it was bound to happen sooner or later....women represented at their best.

    The epitome of every woman....isn't she PURRRRFECT???


    Must give all you Christian women wet dreams huh?  We know what it does for your hubbies...hubba hubba.

    Here ya go...sweet dreams!!!!


    Wait is that a gun in her pocket or is she just happy to see you all?

  4. Both are props to make her look older and more serious. I'm not saying she is not serious but just stating the obvious. Actually her record for representing the State of Alaska is pretty good. I lived up there and recognize that she sounds and lives like many of them. They hunt, they fly and they miss the good ol days of the pipeline building that made many of them rich...or kinda. They probably don't realize the next pipeline will be using contracted workers from "anywhere"...  

  5. I'm sure she will. At least she won't be doing the Michell two step and trying to become someone she's not.  

  6. Why would she? She looks like her age but good. Don't fix it if it ain't broke.

  7. I think that is her look. Maybe she will get contacts.  

  8. Her glasses and hairdo have served her well so far.  Why change hairdos in mid stream.  Horses, maybe, but hairdos, NO WAY Jose.

  9. She's not smoking hot but I think she's very pretty.  

  10. She'll sport a crew cut in the debates.  

  11. That 1950's hairdo, isn't it God awful.  THAT SHOULD BE OUTLAWED. No really.  You see,,,, she was 1ST RUNNER UP IN THE USA PAGENT.  That is where that hairstyle is coming from.  Walking down the runway in hur swimsuit.......... wait I I I am telling the TRUTH.  

    Nobody has told h u r   yet.  They don't want to hurt HHUUUURRR feelings. lol........roflol  

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