
Do you think Saudi Arabia is becoming a bit more "relaxed?"?

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on rules like women/men segegration and hijab wearing?

then say.... 10-20 years ago?




  1. It's the 21st century, time to stop living in the 7th century.

  2. It is more Relaxed in some sense ,same in some others ...For instance 10 years ago no one dare to talk about  the country education system or any other governing service sectors  ,,NOW people say what they think about services   with little fear from being punished, quite the contrary people are encouraged to enter a dialog  with government sectors ,,,You have human rights too operating from offices in The kingdom ..That was forbidden before ,,,Women ,,You would never see a Saudi lady face before in  public,,Now they operate on national TV,,,So There are changes ,,but we hope for More

  3. yes toooooooo relaxed, soo things will become out off control & like other arab nations.

  4. Well it is more relaxed than when I moved here 6 years ago.  Niqab is the same but there are women working in the same building as me on the same floor, when before that didnt happen.

    Also I see men and women holding hands in public now and hugging.  When I first moved here, the teenagers use to hold each others hands to see how long it would take for someone to yell at them.

  5. .....the term relaxed should be replaced by the term being more open minded....this country is dealing with other nations around the world and should not feel isolated....they can still preserve their own culture and faith if they accept outside people in this country to work....just like what the other arab countries are doing. Its not a threat to the culture and the religion. Saudis are more open-minded now compared before because the new generation are educated already not like before...... so resistance were replaced by tolerance......

  6. its not fair to write "a bit" if you compare the current situation with 10-20 years

    its now way relaxed and I hope for more

  7. Yes, it is more relaxed and I liked Carl's view on the subject.

    My feeling is that is will become more relaxed.

  8. in ten years u will see women here wearing bikinis and men here having g*y s*x without feeling guilty

    and u see a BIBLE in the mosque of mecca . if something doesnt change in saudi policey this is whats gonna happen

  9. the changes I would like to see most is

    #1 women being able to drive... cause there is nothing in Islam which prevents this.. Women of the past drove their own camel caravans.. Even Kadijah the prophets first wife was a business women and she drove many caravans around in her dealings.. The prophet never prevented her from this...

    #2.. I wish SaudiArabia wouldnt close down the shops during prayer time.. the other gulf countries dont.. In fact.. the only surah in the Quran just mentions shutting the business for Friday (Jumah) prayer only.. ONLY.. all the other prayers you dont have to close.. Just allow those that want to pray to go pray and the others (which even if you close or not, wont pray).. they can keep their business's open and its between them and God if they pray.. besides.. all they need is a 2nd clerk to hold the fort down, they can then take turns for prayer. And those of us who drove an hours drive to store just to get what we wanted, wont have to wait 30more min or decide whether or not to go home.. etc etc...

    #3. I wish the segregation rules werent there.. allow those that want to sit alone, to go sit alone.. but give us the choice to have an open sitting space in the malls.. If young men harrass young women, then just step up the mall security to handle those situations...

  10. I hope not...

  11. No.  There is nothing wrong with women wearing the hijab and everything being s*x segregated.  Saudis don't want their rules changed for Western ideas of freedom. Hijab is an obligation upon all Muslim women and girls.  It's haraam for men and women to interact or mingle with each other outside of marriage or blood ties.  These are the laws of ALLAH(Subhanna wa ta'ala) and no one has a right to change them.  Personally I'd feel better being in an only women's mall because then I wouldn't get harassed by strange men who have no business looking at me in the first place.  I wouldn't want to be harassed or molested or raped by men who don't fear God and think they can s***w everything that moves.

  12. yeah.. and by the way, i know u want it to rhyme.. but that nickname doesn't make sense, it should be "me llamo" instead of "me llama" cause that means he/she calls me, not i call myself. unless someone else is calling u that.

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