
Do you think Scott Peterson has the right to have his own blog from Death Row?

by Guest32066  |  earlier

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Do you think he is entitled to have access to the Internet. Do you think he killed Conner and Laci?




  1. People on death row have no rights as they forfeited them when they committed their heinous crime.  They can sit in the dark and their own sh*t for al I care until they are executed.

  2. No and yes.

  3. he does not have the interet in his cell - nobody on death row does. if his family and friends want to put what he says on the net what wrong with that?  its called freedom of speech.

    Q & A with Larry King Show 07-17-08

    1)  What do you make of the controversy about Scott “blogging” from San Quentin?

    It is important to understand that neither Scott, nor any other death row inmate, has access to the internet.  The web-site’s blog was recently established to share the thoughts and feelings of the Peterson family and encourage public feedback.   Scott’s contribution is mailed to us and we post it on his behalf.

    2. Does Scott play a role in “”?  If so, how is his participation facilitated?

    The family, not Scott, created the website as a part of our overall efforts to correct misinformation, provide the facts showing Scott’s innocence and encourage anyone to come forward who can provide information on the case. That will continue to be its primary purpose. We urge to anyone who is interested in knowing the facts to visit our website at

    3. Can you tell us what a routine day is like for Scott?  What items does Scott surround himself with? Does he have interaction with other inmates?

    A routine day for Scott is no different than a routine day for any other death row inmate on California's death row.  Scott has a TV, typewriter, CD player, books, and photos of his family.  He usually has daily access to yard time during which he can interact with other inmates.


    4.  Do you receive regular mailings from Scott?  Do you mail him?  If yes, do you believe any of your correspondences to be censored in any manner?

    Scott's family and loved ones receive mail from Scott and write him as well.  We have no reason to believe his correspondence is treated any differently than the correspondence of any other inmate on California's death row.

    5.  Tell us about visiting privileges for Scott.  Do you visit often?  Are all family members allowed to visit?

    California death row inmates are allowed one weekday and one weekend visit each week.  Someone is usually able to visit Scott each week.  Visitors must be over 18 and approved by both the prison and the inmate.

    6. How are his spirits?  (Corrected)

    He remains devastated by the loss of Laci and Connor. He is grateful for the support he receives.


    7.  Does Scott believe he will be exonerated one day?


    We know Scott is innocent, and together with Scott, our family will continue to work together toward his exoneration.  We also continue to offer our original $250,000 reward to anyone with specific information leading to Scott's exoneration or specific information leading to an arrest and conviction for the abduction and murder of Laci and Conner Peterson.

  4. yes he killed them. and he should have no access to the internet. he should have to rot away in an empty cell until he is to be killed. he is a horrible creature.

  5. Heck no!!!! He killed his wife and unborn child!!!! Somebody like that doesn't have rights at all!!!! That's why we have the death penalty, to get rid of idiots like him.

  6. Most assuredly he killed his wife and his unborn baby.  I think it's  outrageous that he should have the privilege of having his own blog, and on death row to boot.  He is hoping to get an appeal and support from someone out here.  It's really a sham.

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