
Do you think Sen. Obama made a good choice for his running mate Biden? why?

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Do you think Sen. Obama made a good choice for his running mate Biden? why?




  1. Biden is a lifelong inside the beltway guy who has never known anything but politics and does anyone expect him to facilitate Obama's message of hope and change? There is NO d**n message, it's all flowery words.

  2. As a conservative I'm happy he chose Biden. It shows the American people just how far left Omama really is.

  3. Yeah, they're a perfect match - both New World Order wolves in sheep's clothing.  McCain is no better (he's just openly evil), so between the two, it doesn't matter.  Vote Ron Paul (I'm sure Yahoo will censor this since I mentioned Ron Paul.. they've done it to me and many others before.) >:(

  4. I think the Democratic leadership & media have once again managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.  Obama had a chance to sew up the election by picking Hillary, but instead picked someone from the eastern ruling elite. I don't think the average white middle class American likes being talked down to.  Someone needs to tell Dean, Pelosi, Obama & crew that white people still have the right to vote... & they use it!

  5. yes..

    biden is for ending the war on drugs.. another sham war that screws the american people.

    prohibition has never worked.. it has only damaged the fabric of society.. and enriched criminals..

    so .. dispite bidens "30 yr experience in washington" his position on the drug war won me over.

    last thing this country needs tho is 30  year politicians running the country... business as usual

    0bama 2008!

    (unless dibold counts the vote again, then it will be mcain)

  6. He did not choose Biden, the Kennedy/Kerry/Reid/Pelosi coalition to destroy America did.

  7. I agree with Biden that McCain is more qualified to be president.

  8. biden is perfect  lololol

    to be continued

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