
Do you think Senator Biden still stands by his statement in this video?

by  |  earlier

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  1. I don't think so, now Biden thinks very differently no doubt, but fair question.

  2. Do you think candidates in an election are going to compliment each other.

    Mitt Romney criticized McCain.  

  3. are you going to keep asking this question over and over again until you find someone who agrees with you.

    why don't you do some research and tell me what George H.W. Bush said about Reagan when he was running against him.  Judging by your questions, you are far too young to have been around for that, so you will have to look it up, or go upstairs and ask your parents.

    if you didn't ask it, then pay attention, it has been asked a half a dozen times already.....  and it truly does soulnd exactly like a question that you would ask.

  4. That is old news go vote for McCain cause dems don't care about garbage, we take it out, let it go, flush it down the toilet, bury it or cremate it, but old tranforms to new & we can't look in our rearview mirror or we will crash (I am not refering to McCain but he does have a pattern of crashing).

  5. What's your point?

    I mean they were running against one another.  What you want them to say "Oh Obama is the best better than me!"  Please stop pandering to ignorance and gain some knowledge. Everyone on the board knows you're nothing short of a 2 bit hack.

  6. Yes! Biden & the whole Dem party has to know they have a horribly inexperienced person as their pick...and that's a fact 143 days can't prove otherwise.

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